[SAEN]马刺队瞄准控球后卫、投手以配合文班亚马,2024 年模拟选秀

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-13 14:48:41

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肯塔基后卫罗伯·迪林汉姆 (0) 在 2024 年 2 月 21 日星期三路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的 NCAA 大学篮球比赛下半场对阵路易斯安那州立大学前锋泰瑞尔·沃德 (15)。


去年在麦考密克会议中心的 NBA 选秀抽签中,圣安东尼奥获得总状元签位。今年的抽签不仅获得了一个前八,还有两个前八签位,可以与维克多·文班亚马搭配,这个出色的法国人正是球队在 2023 年选秀中使用来改变阵容的签位。

现在,作为球队历史上第一位在同一次选秀中获得多个前十签位的总经理,布莱恩·赖特将花费接下来的一个半月时间与其智囊团对所有可能的方案进行推演。考虑到本届选秀中没有任何共识的层级关系,取而代之的是一个模棱两可的前 15 位,未来的球星充满疑问,这段时间将非常宝贵。






尽管肯塔基在 NCAA 锦标赛首轮失利,但新秀罗伯·迪林汉姆的身价仍然很高。

这位 6 英尺 3 英寸的后卫拥有奥运短跑运动员的动力,这掩盖了他篮筐周围的柔和触感。这位东南联盟年度最佳第六人在 23.3 分钟内场均得到 15.2 分、3.9 次助攻和 2.0 个三分球,投篮命中率为 44.4%。

然而,迪林汉姆就是防守漏洞的定义。这位 170 磅的后卫很容易被压制,并且在球场的另一端打得更慢。不过,与 2024 年年度最佳防守球员亚军文班亚马并肩作战,可以弥补这些不足。

ESPN 分析师乔纳森·吉沃尼说:“迪林汉姆的外线投篮、运球和挡拆配合创造出巨大的进攻潜力,让他可以长期成长。” “在他的身边有文班亚马这样一位未来的年度最佳防守球员级别的篮筐保护者,可以减轻他的体型和防守限制。”

预计马刺队第 4 顺位: ESPN、The Ringer。

预计马刺队第 8 顺位: 雅虎体育、NBA.comNBADraft.net、露天看台报告。

肯塔基后卫罗伯·迪林汉姆 (0) 在 2024 年 3 月 15 日星期五在田纳西州纳什维尔的东南联盟锦标赛的 NCAA 大学篮球比赛下半场对阵德克萨斯 A&M 后卫曼尼·奥巴塞基 (35)。

尼古拉·托皮奇,KK 贝尔格莱德红星控球后卫

尼古拉·托皮奇可能比选秀名单上的任何其他球员都更适合文班亚马。如果这位 18 岁的塞尔维亚人在第 4 顺位仍然可用,赖特可能会在下个十年得到他的控球后卫。

托皮奇在欧洲对抗成年男子时表现得很好。在为贝尔格莱德红星赢得塞尔维亚杯冠军的过程中,他场均得到 17.9 分、6.8 次助攻和 3.6 个篮板,被评为 2024 年亚得里亚海联盟最佳新秀。

他创造性的终结和善于动脑的组织进攻可以为文班亚马创造更容易的得分机会,而且距离托皮奇的 19 岁生日还有三个月,还有很大的成长空间。

Bleacher Reporter 的乔纳森·瓦瑟曼说:“最重要的是,圣安东尼奥马刺队将重视他通过运球操作、视野和有利的 6 英尺 6 英尺的身材为队友创造投篮机会的能力。” “马刺队也没有像托皮奇那样给对手和篮筐施压的运球手。”

第 4 顺位:露天看台报告、CBS 体育、NBA.com、雅虎体育。

第 8 顺位: 无。

土耳其伊斯坦布尔——2024 年 1 月 2 日:贝尔格莱德红星梅里迪安贝特格勒的尼古拉·托皮奇 (44 号) 在乌尔克体育场举行的费内巴切贝科伊斯坦布尔与贝尔格莱德红星梅里迪安贝特格勒之间的土耳其航空欧洲联赛常规赛第 18 轮比赛中。 (摄影:Tolga Adanali/Euroleague 篮球通过 Getty 图片社)


23 岁的达尔顿·克内希特大器晚成,他在田纳西的唯一一个赛季里成长为潜在的前 10 顺位。这位 6 英尺 6 英寸的北科罗拉多转会球员拥抱了作为东南联盟明星的生活,场均得到 21.7 分、4.9 个篮板和 2.6 个三分球(39.7%),带领志愿者队自 2010 年以来首次进入八强。



吉沃尼说:“选择像克内希特这样的 23 岁即插即用投篮手/得分手看起来是一个有吸引力的选择。” “他的防守缺陷可以在一定程度上得到缓解,比如在文班亚马这样的未来的年度最佳防守球员后面打球。”

第 4 顺位:无。

第 8 顺位: ESPN、CBS 体育

田纳西后卫达尔顿·克内希特 (3) 在 2024 年 3 月 31 日星期日在底特律与普渡大学进行的 NCAA 锦标赛八分之一决赛的大学篮球比赛下半场三分球命中后做出反应。


威廉姆斯被认为是排名前 10 的新秀,但他在科罗拉多的唯一一个赛季中没有达到预期。这位瘦削的 6 英尺 8 英寸前锋场均得到 11.9 分,投篮命中率 55.2%,3.0 个篮板,1.6 次助攻,0.7 个三分球(投篮命中率


Spurs target guards, shooters to pair with Wemby in 2024 mock drafts

[Image] Kentucky guard Rob Dillingham (0) shoots against LSU forward Tyrell Ward (15) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game in Baton Rouge, La., Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024.

Chicago has been good to the Spurs of late.

Last year’s NBA draft lottery at McCormick Place Convention Center delivered the No. 1 overall pick to San Antonio. This year’s drawing provided not one but two top-eight selections to pair with Victor Wembanyama, the fabulous Frenchman that franchise-altering 2023 pick was used on.

Now, as the first general manager in team history to hold multiple top-10 picks in the same draft, Brian Wright will spend the next month and a half gaming out all possible scenarios with his brain trust. That time will be precious considering this class lacks any sort of consensus hierarchy, instead featuring an ambiguous top 15 with iffy future star power.

“You are always looking at how you build a team and how do you get enough bites at the apple with whatever mechanism, and two lottery picks gives us a great opportunity to add two young players to our young core or also see what else is out there,” Wright told Express-News reporter Tom Orsborn after Sunday’s lottery drawing “Like we do everything, we will evaluate all options.”

Wright and the Spurs, at least, have a central question to operate from: “How does [player] fit with Wemby?”

To that end, finding a point guard and another floor-spacing wing – preferably one who’s also a sturdy perimeter defender – would seem to be priorities. That’s the way most media mock drafters see it, too.

Here’s an overview of the five players most commonly linked to the Spurs in post-lottery mocks.

Rob Dillingham, guard, Kentucky

Though Kentucky flamed out in the first round of the NCAA tournament, freshman Rob Dillingham’s stock remains high.

The 6-foot-3 guard operates with an Olympic sprinter’s motor that belies his soft touch around the rim. The SEC Sixth Man of the Year averaged 15.2 points, 3.9 assists and 2.0 3-pointers on 44.4% shooting in just 23.3 minutes per game

Dillingham, though, is the definition of a defensive liability. The 170-pound guard is easily overpowered and plays with less speed on the other end of the court. Playing alongside Wembanyama, the 2024 Defensive Player of the Year runner-up, could help paper over those deficiencies, though.

“Dillingham’s combination of perimeter shooting, ballhandling and pick-and-roll playmaking gives him significant offensive potential to grow into long term,” <a class=“noskim” data-trx-url=“https://clicks.trx-hub.com/xid/hearstnews_31a2e_expressnews?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.redirectingat.com%2F%3Fid%3D131678X1600844%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.espn.com%252Fnba%252Finsider%252Fstory%252F_%252Fpage%252FNBADraft24-40095518%252F2024-nba-mock-draft-projecting-all-58-picks-post-lottery%26sref%3D%26xcust%3Derr2~~1715637647~inl~~~~~~~&p=&event_type=click&hnpTag=err2~~1715637647~inl~~~~~~~” href=“https://www.espn.com/nba/insider/story/_/page/NBADraft24-40095518/2024-nba-mock-draft-projecting-all-58-picks-post-lottery”>ESPN analyst Jonathan Givony said</a>. “His size and defensive limitations could be mitigated alongside a future Defensive Player of the Year-caliber rim-protector such as Wembanyama cleaning up mistakes behind him.”

Projected to Spurs at No. 4: ESPN, The Ringer.

Projected to Spurs at No. 8: Yahoo Sports, NBA.com, NBADraft.net, Bleacher Report.

[Image] Kentucky guard Rob Dillingham (0) drives against Texas A&M guard Manny Obaseki (35) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game at the Southeastern Conference tournament Friday, March 15, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn.

Nikola Topic, guard, KK Crvena zvezda

Nikola Topic might fit better with Wembanyama than any other player on the board. If the 18-year-old Serbian is still available at No. 4, Wright might just get his point guard for the next decade.

Topic acquitted himself well playing against grown men in Europe. He was named 2024 Adriatic League Top Prospect after averaging 17.9 points, 6.8 assists and 3.6 rebounds while leading Crvena zvezda to the Serbian Cup championship.

His creative finishes and heady playmaking could create easier scoring opportunities for Wembanyama, and there’s plenty of room for growth with Topic’s 19th birthday still three months away.

“More than anything else, the San Antonio Spurs will value his ability to create shots for teammates with his dribble manipulation, vision and advantageous 6-foot-6 size for passing,” <a class=“noskim” data-trx-url=“https://clicks.trx-hub.com/xid/hearstnews_31a2e_expressnews?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.redirectingat.com%2F%3Fid%3D131678X1600844%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.nba.com%252Fnews%252Fbleacher-report-full-2-round-mock-draft-after-lottery-reveal%26sref%3D%26xcust%3Derr2~~1715637647~inl~~~~~~~&p=&event_type=click&hnpTag=err2~~1715637647~inl~~~~~~~” href=“https://www.nba.com/news/bleacher-report-full-2-round-mock-draft-after-lottery-reveal”>Bleacher Reporter’s Jonathan Wasserman said</a>. “The Spurs also don’t have a ball-handler who puts pressure on defenses and the rim like Topić.”

No. 4: Bleacher Report, CBS Sports, NBA.com, Yahoo Sports.

No. 8: None.

[Image] ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JANUARY 02: Nikola Topic, #44 of Crvena Zvezda Meridianbet Belgrade in action during the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Regular Season Round 18 match between Fenerbahce Beko Istanbul and Crvena Zvezda Meridianbet Belgrade at Ulker Sports Arena on January 02, 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Tolga Adanali/Euroleague Basketball via Getty Images)

Dalton Knecht, wing, Tennessee

A late bloomer, 23-year-old Dalton Knecht transformed into a potential top-10 pick during his only season at Tennessee. The 6-6 Northern Colorado transfer embraced life as an SEC star, averaging 21.7 points, 4.9 rebounds and 2.6 3s (on 39.7%) while leading the Volunteers to their first Elite Eight since 2010.

There’s almost no shot Knecht can’t make. He’s a legitimate three-level scorer who would demand attention as a shooter and open up some space for Wembanyama to operate.

Knecht does struggle to move laterally on defense and stick with quicker wings, though the willingness to body up is there. And with Wembanyama as a shot-erasing backstop and Jeremy Sochan operating as a perimeter pest, even a little bit of improvement on that end would go a long way.

“Picking a 23-year old plug-and-play shooter/scorer such as Knecht looks like an attractive option,” Givony said. “His defensive shortcomings can be mitigated to an extent playing behind a future Defensive Player of the Year like Wembanyama.”

No. 4: None.

No. 8: ESPN, CBS Sports

[Image] Tennessee guard Dalton Knecht (3) reacts after a three-point basket during the second half of an Elite Eight college basketball game against Purdue in the NCAA Tournament, Sunday, March 31, 2024, in Detroit.

Cody Williams, forward, Colorado

Regarded as a top-10 freshman recruit, Williams didn’t quite meet expectations in his lone season at Colorado. The wiry 6-8 forward averaged 11.9 points on 55.2% shooting, 3.0 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 0.7 3-pointers on 41.5% shooting and 0.7 blocks in 28.4 minutes.

Williams, 19, fits best as an off-ball threat on offense and a versatile defender who can guard multiple positions. If the Spurs can grab a lead guard with the fourth pick, it might make sense for Wright to grab the former McDonald’s All-American at No. 8

“Williams didn’t pop the way many hoped as a freshman at Colorado, but he still provides a rare blend of size, fluidity, and scoring upside,” <a href=“https://nbadraft.theringer.com/mock-draft”>The Ringer’s Kevin O’Connor said</a>. “He could fit perfectly next to Wembanyama and Dillingham, giving the Spurs a tremendous young trio.”

No. 4: NBADraft.net.

No. 8: The Ringer.

[Image] Colorado forward Cody Williams (10) shoots next to Southern California guard Kobe Johnson (0) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024, in Los Angeles. Colorado won, 92-89 in double overtime.

Zaccharie Risacher, forward, JL Bourg (LNB Elite)

A majority of mock drafts have the Wizards selecting Zaccharie Risacher second overall after the Hawks take Frenchman Alex Sarr with the No. 1 pick. But the Spurs will most certainly be interested if the 6-9 wing slips a couple spots.

Risacher, who turned 19 last month, was named the 2024 EuroCup Rising Star after averaging 13.1 points on 56.6% shooting, 3.6 rebounds and 1.9 3s on 56.1% shooting for JL Bourg of France’s top pro league.

“The opinions NBA team and scouting personnel have shared with me on Risacher are all over the map,” <a href=“https://theathletic.com/5483958/2024/05/12/nba-mock-draft-2024-lottery-hawks-vecenie/”>The Athletic’s Sam Vecenie </a>said. "Some still view him as a contender for the No. 1 pick and attribute his downturn to fatigue from playing nearly 60 professional games already this season as a teenager. Others rank him closer to the middle of the top 10,

No. 4: The Athletic.

No. 8: None.

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News