[SAEN]观赛:勒布朗、杜兰特及其他 NBA 球星将责任转交马刺队的文班亚马

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-09 15:45:09

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多位 NBA 传奇人物和前年度最佳新秀得主以极高的热情欢迎维克多·文班亚马加入他们的杰出团体,令其惊喜万分。


文班亚马受邀参观一项突出展示部分 NBA 杰出球员的 Fanatics 新展览,他很快意识到这一切完全是另一种伪装:加冕。在环绕着勒布朗·詹姆斯、大卫·罗宾逊、凯文·杜兰特和一位位球星的数字广告牌的房间里,这些特色球员开始发言,对这位新晋年度最佳新秀赞不绝口。

随着灯光渐暗,CGI 图像变为录制视频。当曾经年度最佳新秀得主欢迎他加入俱乐部时,这位马刺球星惊讶不已。

“你代表马刺队,你代表你自己,你代表法国,你代表所有人,”罗宾逊说道,就像文班亚马今年一样,他在 1990 年获得了全票当选。

“很高兴你加入这个美好的联盟,伙计,”詹姆斯 (2004 年获奖者) 说。“继续做你自己,不断进步。我要向你表示祝贺,伙计。年度最佳新秀…实至名归,而这仅仅是一个开始。”

“我们期待着未来 15 年见证你的表现,伙计,”杜兰特 (2008 年获奖者) 说。“继续打球,未来一片光明。”

在史无前例的新秀赛季后,文班亚马通过获得全部 99 张第一选票,于星期一加冕这个行列。他加入罗宾逊、拉尔夫·桑普森 (1984)、布雷克·格里芬 (2011)、达米安·利拉德 (2013) 和卡尔-安东尼·唐斯 (2016) 的行列,成为唯一以全票当选的球员。


<a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/wembanyama-collects-rookie-year-honors-runaway-19441437.php” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>作为第 1 顺位新秀</a>,文班亚马场均得到 21.4 分、10.6 个篮板、3.9 次助攻和联盟最高的 3.6 次盖帽,同时投篮命中率为 46.5%,三分球命中率为 32.5%(场均出手 5.5 次),罚球命中率为 79.6%,出场时间为 29.7 分钟。通过如此表现,这位 2 米 21 身高的现象成为联盟历史上首位在平均得分 20 分、篮板 10 个、助攻 3 次、盖帽 3 次、抢断 1 次和投进 3 分 1 球。



2006 年年度最佳新秀克里斯·保罗说:“毫无疑问,你将拥有令人难以置信的职业生涯,但我希望你迟早让我在你的防守下投进一个中距离。”


Watch: LeBron, Durant, other NBA stars pass torch to Spurs’ Wembanyama

[Image] Several NBA legends and former Rookie of the Year winners surprised Victor Wembanyama by welcoming him to their illustrious group.

“This,” a wide-eyed Victor Wembanyama said, “is trippy.”

Invited to tour a new Fanatics exhibit featuring some of the NBA’s greatest players, Wembanyama soon learned it was all a guise for something else entirely: a coronation. Standing amid a room ringed by digital boards of LeBron James, David Robinson, Kevin Durant and other stars, the featured players began speaking, offering praise and admiration for the newly named Rookie of the Year.

As the lights dimmed, CGI images turned to recorded videos. The Spurs star looked on in astonishment as former Rookie of the Year winners welcomed him to their club.

“You’ve represented the Spurs, you’ve represented yourself, you’ve represented France, everybody,” said Robinson, who won in a unanimous vote back in 1990, just as Wembanyama did this year.

“Happy to have you part of this beautiful league, man,” James (2004 winner) said. “Keep doing you. Keep getting better. I want to say congratulations to you, man. Rookie of the year … Well deserved, and this is just the beginning.”

“We’re looking forward to seeing what you’re doing in the next 15 years, man,” Durant (2008 winner) said. “Keep balling, the future’s so bright.”

Wembanyama was added to their ranks on Monday by collecting all 99 first-place votes following an unprecedented rookie campaign. He joined Robinson, Ralph Sampson (1984), Blake Griffin (2011), Damian Lillard (2013) and Karl-Anthony Towns (2016) as the only players to win in unanimous fashion.

“You know, it shows total domination,” Wembanyama said.

<a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/wembanyama-collects-rookie-year-honors-runaway-19441437.php” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>As the No. 1 overall pick</a>, Wembanyama averaged 21.4 points, 10.6 rebounds, 3.9 assists and a league-best 3.6 blocks while shooting 46.5% from the field, 32.5% from 3-point range on 5.5 attempts a game and 79.6% from the free-throw line in 29.7 minutes. In doing so, the 7-foot-3 phenomenon became the first player in league history to average 20 points, 10 rebounds, three assists, three blocks, one steal and one 3-pointer.

“When it’s all said and done," former Cole star Shaquille O’Neal said, "you will be one of the greatest big men ever to come out of San Antonio.”

While everyone from Allen Iverson to Vince Carter sang Wembanyama’s praises, one graying future Hall of Famer decided to sneak in a plea after issuing his congratulations.

“I know, without a doubt, you’re gonna have an unbelievable career,” 2006 Rookie of the Year Chris Paul said. "But I wish you’d let me get one of my middies off sooner or later over you, man.”

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News