
By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-09 16:36:38

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圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋杰里米·索汉(10号)在 2024 年 3 月 23 日星期六在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的 NBA 比赛上半场绕过菲尼克斯太阳队前锋凯文·杜兰特。菲尼克斯以 131-106 战胜马刺队。


纹身师,韦科的纹身师 Zac “Lefty” Colbert,过去曾多次给这位马刺队二年级前锋纹过身。但这却是他最广泛的作品。

“这个周末见到了杰里米·索汉,在他的后背上增添了一些作品,”科尔伯特在 Instagram 帖子中写道。“喜欢见到我们以前贝勒篮球队的球员们。”


“所以,我受到一位在画廊里看到的画家的启发,他的画展示了一个分娩的妇女抱着她的孩子,而上面有两个助产士像保护她们一样,”<a href=“NBA Tattoos on Instagram: "🔥 @jeremysochan and @leftycolbert_official just finished up this full back piece! Spoke to Jeremy and he explained the piece saying, “So I got inspired by this one painter I saw in a gallery and his painting showed a woman giving birth and holding up her kid while there was two midwives above like guarding/protecting them. And all my life, woman have been very supportive and significant in my life, my mum, aunties and grandmas always took care of me so yeah the doves represent compassion and love, the woman/angel is holding the key to life, the two faces are like midwives/protectors, and then of course the mother with the baby. And then the bull is my sign so yeah the whole back is like about life in a way.” What’re your thoughts? • Artist : @leftycolbert_official"” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>索汉告诉 InkedNBA</a>,一个专注于纹身文化的社交媒体频道。“而我的一生中,女性一直非常支持我,在我的生活中非常重要。我的妈妈、阿姨和祖母总是照顾我。


刚刚纹完身,索汉现在正在恢复健康,此前他做了关节镜手术以修复他在 3 月下旬左脚踝受到的撞击。如果没有出现任何挫折,这位 20 岁的球员将在 2024 年国际篮球联合会男子奥运会资格赛(7 月 2 日至 7 日)中为波兰国家队效力。


Spurs’ Jeremy Sochan gets back tattoo to honor the women in his life

[Image] San Antonio Spurs forward Jeremy Sochan (10) drives past Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant during the first half of their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Phoenix beat the Spurs 131-106.

Jeremy Sochan spent this past weekend turning his back into a canvas.

The artist, Waco-based tattoo artist Zac “Lefty” Colbert, had inked the second-year Spurs forward several times in the past. But this was his most extensive work yet.

“Caught up with Jeremy Sochan this weekend and added some more work to his back,” Colbert wrote in an Instagram post. “Love getting to catch up with our former Baylor basketball players.”

About three weeks ago, Sochan dropped into Colbert’s shop for a triangular upper-back tattoo of a bull, meant to signify his Taurus zodiac sign. After this recent trip, the former Baylor star’s entire back has become a piece of art meant to honor the women in his life.

“So I got inspired by this one painter I saw in a gallery and his painting showed a woman giving birth and holding up her kid while there was two midwives above like guarding (or) protecting them,” <a href=“NBA Tattoos on Instagram: "🔥 @jeremysochan and @leftycolbert_official just finished up this full back piece! Spoke to Jeremy and he explained the piece saying, “So I got inspired by this one painter I saw in a gallery and his painting showed a woman giving birth and holding up her kid while there was two midwives above like guarding/protecting them. And all my life, woman have been very supportive and significant in my life, my mum, aunties and grandmas always took care of me so yeah the doves represent compassion and love, the woman/angel is holding the key to life, the two faces are like midwives/protectors, and then of course the mother with the baby. And then the bull is my sign so yeah the whole back is like about life in a way.” What’re your thoughts? • Artist : @leftycolbert_official"” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>Sochan told InkedNBA</a>, a social media channel focused on tattoo culture. “And all my life, woman have been very supportive and significant in my life. My mum, aunties and grandmas always took care of me.

“So, yeah, the doves represent compassion and love, the woman/angel is holding the key to life, the two faces are like midwives/protectors, and then of course the mother with the baby. And then the bull is my sign. The whole back is like about life in a way.”

Freshly inked, Sochan is now working himself back into shape following an arthroscopic surgery to repair an impingement in his left ankle sustained in late March. Barring any setbacks, the 20-year-old is set to compete for the Polish national team in the 2024 FIBA Men’s Olympic Qualifying Tournament (July 2-7).

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News