
By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-06 10:49:31




这支25秒的广告中,出现了一位熟悉的面孔,这位球迷之前因目睹文班亚马背后运球后<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzI2rNiwaV8&t=3s&ab_channel=NBA” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>双手隔扣</a>密尔沃基雄鹿队中锋布鲁克·洛佩兹而表情震惊而走红,当时是在1月4日弗罗斯特银行中心的惊险刺激的比赛。这位球迷站在麦田怪圈中,摆出和当时一模一样的表情,而一个没有露面的旁白正在列举这位马刺队新秀的一些<a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/numbers-behind-victor-wembanyama-s-remarkable-19405818.php”>历史成就</a>。

耐克正在为这位20岁现象级球员发布第一款零售球鞋——“G.T. Hustle 2 Victor Wembanyama”造势,<a href=“https://www.nike.com/t/gt-hustle-2-victor-wembanyama-basketball-shoes-bfDrdt” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>将于5月15日发售</a>。坊间传闻他与NBA官方球衣和运动服制造商签订的合同价值超过 1 亿美元,这是一笔值得的投资,因为他是一位国际巨星,有望成为史上最伟大的球员之一。

耐克的球鞋宣传语写道:“文班亚马神话般的身材、技术和优雅,就像从另一个星球移植过来的一样,简直是科幻小说。” “这款 G.T. Hustle 2 的外星人色彩和银河绿,彰显出一种设计,一定能让你像文班亚马一样光芒四射。中间部分的缓冲和 Air Zoom 气垫,帮助你不断前进——从检查看球到“这就是比赛”。


NBA 将于美国东部时间周一晚上6点和周二下午5点30分在 TNT 公布2023-24年度最佳新秀和年度最佳防守球员。作为这两个奖项的决赛候选人,文班亚马预计将以压倒性优势摘得最佳新秀奖。他有可能继续创造历史,成为自 1982-83 赛季设立该奖项以来,唯一一位当选最佳防守球员的新秀球员。


‘Aliens are real’: Nike drops first Victor Wembanyama commercial

[Image] Victor Wembanyama dunks over the Lakers’ Christian Wood (35) and LeBron James (23) at the Frost Bank Center on Dec. 15, 2023. (AP Foto/Eric Gay)

Nike’s new commercial heralding the release of Victor Wembanyama’s first signature shoe opens in a vast crop circle and closes with an echoey voiceover: “Aliens are real and hoop among us.”

The 25-second spot features a cameo from the same fan who went viral for a stupefied reaction after Wembanyama whirled the ball behind his back and <a href=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzI2rNiwaV8&t=3s&ab_channel=NBA” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>flushed a two-handed slam</a> over Milwaukee Bucks center Brook Lopez in a Jan. 4 thriller at the Frost Bank Center. The fan stands amid the gigantic alien-shaped crop formation wearing that exact expression as an unseen narrator lists some of the Spurs rookie’s <a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/numbers-behind-victor-wembanyama-s-remarkable-19405818.php”>historic accomplishments</a>.

Nike is building up hype with the 20-year-old phenom’s first retail shoe, the “G.T. Hustle 2 Victor Wembanyama,” <a href=“https://www.nike.com/t/gt-hustle-2-victor-wembanyama-basketball-shoes-bfDrdt” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>set to go on sale May 15</a>. His deal with the NBA’s official uniform and apparel maker is rumored to be worth over $100 million, a worthwhile investment in an international sensation who has the makings of an all-time great.

“Victor Wembanyama’s mythical size, skills and grace are straight science fiction, as if they were imported from another planet,” Nike’s shoe promo reads. “The extraterrestrial tones and galactic greens of this G.T. Hustle 2 highlight a design that’s sure to dazzle in your own Wemby-like way. Loaded with cushioning in the core and an Air Zoom unit, this shoe helps you stay moving forward—from check-up to ‘that’s game.’”

It’s no coincidence that Nike released this commercial during what should be a monumental week for Wembanyama.

The NBA will announce the 2023-24 Rookie of the Year at 6 p.m. Monday and the Defensive Player of the Year at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday on TNT. A finalist for both awards, Wembanyama is expected to be named top rookie in a landslide. He could follow that by becoming the only first-year player to be voted best defender since the award was introduced in the 1982-83 season.

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News