
By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-04-23 15:46:03

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在 2024 年 1 月 24 日星期三于弗罗斯特银行中心进行的 NBA 比赛下半场中,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋维克托·文班亚马 (1) 在俄克拉荷马城中锋切特·霍尔姆格伦 (7) 上方抛出一记投篮。俄克拉荷马城以 140-114 击败马刺队。

自从 NBA 在 1952-53 赛季引入年度最佳新秀奖以来,只有五名球员一致被选为最佳新秀。马刺队的现象级球员维克托·文班亚马似乎可以锁定加入这五人组,尽管一些另类的选民过去破坏了完全一致的投票机会 – 而且今年一些选民可能会再次这样做。

俄克拉荷马城的切特·霍尔姆格伦在文班亚马加入拉尔夫·萨姆普森 (1984 年)、大卫·罗宾逊 (1990 年)、布雷克·格里芬 (2011 年)、达米安·利拉德 (2013 年) 和卡尔·安东尼·唐斯 (2015 年) 成为一致性赢家方面是一个潜在的阻碍者。这位 7 英尺 1 英寸的雷霆中锋在本赛季作为西部联盟冠军表现出色,此前他从脚部手术中恢复,错过了整个 2022-23 赛季。在其他任何一年里,这位强壮的冈萨加球员都可能是值得收集每一张选票的人。

霍尔姆格伦在 2022 年的选秀中位列第二,并让这场争论在一段时间内变得引人入胜。他在 11 月和 12 月击败文班亚马获得了西部最佳新秀,作为 MVP 候选人控球后卫谢伊·吉尔杰斯·亚历山大的理想投篮拦截者和地面搭档,雷霆队在积分榜上名列前茅。

“最终,我会得到我应得的,”文班亚马在霍尔姆格伦第二次获得月度荣誉后于 1 月份说道。“从现在开始,每一场比赛都是一个(来自)我的宣言。”

在 2024 年 2 月 29 日星期四于弗罗斯特银行中心进行的 NBA 比赛的第二节,圣安东尼奥马刺队中锋维克托·文班亚马 (1) 封盖了俄克拉荷马城雷霆队中锋切特·霍尔姆格伦 (7) 的跳投。圣安东尼奥以 132-118 击败俄克拉荷马城。

文班亚马直接开始证明那些话不仅仅是自信满满的 20 岁嘴里说出来的空话。

从 1 月 1 日到马刺队在 4 月 14 日的赛季最后一场比赛,文班亚马场均得到 23.1 分、10.9 个篮板、4.4 次助攻、联盟最高的 3.9 次盖帽、2.0 个三分球和 1.2 次抢断。他是同时场均至少得到 20 分、10 个篮板和 4 次助攻的三名球员之一,另外两位是丹佛的尼古拉·约基奇和密尔沃基的扬尼斯·阿德托昆博——这对未来的名人堂球员已经获得了最近五次 MVP 奖项中的四个和最近三次 NBA 总决赛中的两次冠军。

文班亚马以新秀的身份结束本赛季,成为得分(21.4 分)、篮板(10.6 个)、盖帽(3.6 次)、两双(43 次)和三双(两次)的领军人物。他在抢断方面排名第二(1.2 次)、助攻方面排名第四(3.9 次)、三分球方面排名第四(1.8 次)。

霍尔姆格伦为 57 胜的雷霆队场均贡献 16.5 分、7.9 个篮板、2.4 次助攻、2.3 次盖帽(在所有球员中排名第五)、1.6 个三分球和 0.6 次抢断,以及 23 次两双。如果他避免了赛季末的伤病,并在 2022-23 赛季中获得了同样的数据,他将成为 NBA 历史上的第一位新秀和第二位球员,场均至少得到 16 分、7 个篮板、2 次助攻、2 次盖帽和 1 个三分球。

碰巧的是,霍尔姆格伦与一个少年天才同时进入联盟,这个天才有一天可能会进入 G.O.A.T. 争论中,这与二十年前卡梅洛·安东尼的情况没有什么不同,当时他与勒布朗·詹姆斯一起加入 NBA,并输掉了 2004 年最佳新秀奖,尽管他带领掘金进入季后赛并成为他们的头号得分手。(那年詹姆斯和骑士队错过了季后赛。)文班亚马成为第三位场均得到 20 分、10 个篮板和 3 次盖帽的新秀,也是联盟历史上第一个在此基础上增加 3 次助攻、1 个三分球和 1 次抢断的球员。

文班亚马作为联盟中最年轻的球队、一个球队阵容存在严重缺陷的球队的首发球员取得了所有这些成绩。在赛季期间,马刺队在其明星新秀上场时的净得失分(负 3.2)在 30 支球队的排名中将位列第 23 位。当他坐下来时,这个评分降至负 9.8,这个历史性糟糕的数字今年只会超过夏洛特(负 10.6)。

至于霍尔姆格伦,俄克拉荷马城在他上场时有 9.1 的净得失分,他在场下时有 5.4。雷霆队本赛季以 7.3 的净得失分位居第二,显然他们自己的新秀在场上时表现得更好,但当他休息时却做得很好。

在 2024 年 1 月 24 日星期三于弗罗斯特银行中心进行的 NBA 比赛的上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋维克托·文班亚马(右)试图从俄克拉荷马城中锋切特·霍尔姆格伦身边运球而过。

不可否认,俄克拉荷马城在霍尔姆格伦身上选了一块绝对的瑰宝,这位才华横溢的 21 岁球员在周日的一场 94-92 战胜鹈鹕队的季后赛首秀中得到 15 分、11 个篮板、5 次盖帽和 2 次助攻。但联盟从未见过像文班亚马这样的人,他也可能是第一个赢得年度最佳防守球员的新秀,尽管马刺队的战绩为 22-60。

それでも,NBA 评奖委员会的 100 名体育作家和广播员中仍有可能有少数成员出现偏差。请记住,蒂姆·邓肯入选了全 NBA 一队,并为 56-胜马刺队的 1997-98 赛季场均得到 21.1 分、11.9 个篮板、2.7 次助攻和 2.5 次盖帽,但仍以三个第一名选票输给了篮网队的基思·范·霍恩。


卡尔·安东尼·唐斯,森林狼队,2015 年:18.3 分,10.5 个篮板,2.0 次助攻,1.7 次盖帽,0.7 次抢断。

达米安·利拉德,开拓者队,2013 年:19.0 分,3.1 个篮板,6.5 次助攻,0.2 次盖帽,0.9 次抢断。

布雷克·格里芬,快船队,2011 年:22.5 分,12


Will Spurs’ Wembanyama become the sixth unanimous Rookie of the Year?

[Image] San Antonio Spurs forward Victor Wembanyama (1) arcs a shot over Oklahoma City center Chet Holmgren (7) during the second half of their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024. Oklahoma City beat the Spurs 140-114.

Only five players have been voted as the unanimous Rookie of the Year since the NBA introduced the annual award for the 1952-53 season. Spurs phenom Victor Wembanyama seems like a lock to join that quintet, though some rogue voters have disrupted the chances of a fully harmonious vote in the past – and a few could do so again this year.

Oklahoma City’s Chet Holmgren is lurking as a potential foil in Wembanyama’s bid to join Ralph Sampson (1984), David Robinson (1990), Blake Griffin (2011), Damian Lillard (2013) and Karl Anthony-Towns (2015) as unanimous winners. The 7-foot-1 Thunder center had a tremendous regular season for the Western Conference champions after missing the entire 2022-23 campaign while recovering from foot surgery. In just about any other year, the wiry Gonzaga product might be the one worthy of collecting every single vote.

And Holmgren, drafted second overall in 2022, did make it a fascinating debate for a while. He beat out Wembanyama for West Rookie of the Month in November and December, serving as an ideal shot-swatting, floor-spacing running mate for MVP candidate point guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander as the Thunder soared to the top of the standings.

“At the end of the day, I’m going to get what I deserve,” Wembanyama said in January after Holmgren’s second monthly honor. “Every game is a statement (from) now on."

[Image] San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama (1) blocks a jump shot by Oklahoma City Thunder center Chet Holmgren (7) during the second half of their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. San Antonio beat Oklahoma City 132-118.

Wembanyama went right to work proving those words were not just empty bluster pouring from the mouth of a cocksure 20-year-old.

From Jan. 1 1 through the Spurs’ season finale on April 14, Wembanyama averaged 23.1 points, 10.9 rebounds, 4.4 assists, a league-best 3.9 blocks, 2.0 3-pointers and 1.2 steals. He was one of three players to average at least 20 points, 10 rebounds and four assists during that span along with Denver’s Nikola Jokic and Milwaukee’s Giannis Antetokounmpo – a pair of future Hall of Famers who have won four of the last five MVP awards and two of the last three NBA Finals.

Wembanyama finished the season as the rookie leader in points (21.4), rebounds (10.6), blocks (3.6), double-doubles (43) and triple-doubles (two). He ranked second in steals (1.2), fourth in assists (3.9) and fourth in 3-pointers (1.8).

Holmgren posted averages of 16.5 points, 7.9 rebounds, 2.4 assists, 2.3 blocks (fifth among all players), 1.6 3s and 0.6 steals with 23 double-doubles for the 57-win Thunder. Had he avoided a season-ending injury and put up those same numbers in 2022-23, he would have been the first rookie and second player in NBA history to average at least 16 points, seven rebounds, two assists, two blocks and one 3-pointer.

It just so happens Holmgren entered the league at the same time as a teenage marvel who might one day enter the G.O.A.T. debate, not so different from what happened to Carmelo Anthony two decades ago, when he joined the NBA alongside LeBron James and lost the 2004 Rookie of the Year award despite taking the Nuggets into the playoffs as their leading scorer. (James and the Cavs missed the postseason that year.) Wembanyama became the third fourth rookie to average 20 points, 10 rebounds and three blocks, and the first player in league history to add three assists, one 3-pointer and one steal on top of it.

Wembanyama accomplished all that as the first option on the league’s youngest team, one with serious roster deficiencies. The Spurs’ net rating with their star rookie on the court (minus-3.2) would have ranked 23rd out of 30 teams over the course of the season. That rating plunged to minus-9.8 when he sat, a historically bad number that would have topped only Charlotte (minus-10.6) this year.

As for Holmgren, Oklahoma City had a 9.1 net rating with him on and a 5.4 with him off. The Thunder, who finished second in net rating (7.3) this season, were clearly better with their own prized rookie on the court but held up just fine when he took a seat.

[Image] San Antonio Spurs forward Victor Wembanyama, right, tries to drive past Oklahoma City center Chet Holmgren during the first half of their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024.

There’s no denying Oklahoma City drafted an absolute gem in Holmgren, a multitalented 21-year-old who had 15 points, 11 rebounds, five blocks and two assists in his first playoff game, a 94-92 win over the Pelicans last Sunday. But the league has never seen anyone like Wembanyama, who could also become the first rookie to win Defensive Player of the Year in spite of the Spurs’ 22-60 record.

Still, there’s a chance a few members from the NBA awards panel of 100 sportswriters and broadcasters deviate. Remember, Tim Duncan made the All-NBA first team and averaged 21.1 points, 11.9 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 2.5 blocks for the 56-win Spurs 1997-98 and still lost three first-place votes to the Nets’ Keith Van Horn.

Unanimous Rookie of the Year winners (with points, rebounds, assists, blocks, steals per game)

Karl Anthony-Towns, Timberwolves, 2015: 18.3 PPG, 10.5 RPG, 2.0 APG, 1.7 BPG, 0.7 SPG.

Damian Lillard, Trail Blazers, 2013: 19.0 PPG, 3.1 RPG, 6.5 APG, 0.2 BPG, 0.9 SPG.

Blake Griffin, Clippers, 2011: 22.5 PPG, 12.1 RPG, 3.8 APG, 0.5 BPG, 0.8 SPG.

David Robinson, SPURS, 1990: 24.3 PPG, 12.0 RPG, 2.0 APG, 3.9 BPG, 1.7 SPG.

Ralph Sampson, Rockets, 1984: 21.0 PPG, 11.1 RPG, 2.0 APG, 2.4 BPG, 0.9 SPG.

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News