
By Tom Orsborn, Sports reporter | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-04-20 08:49:23

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作为 NBA 全联盟范围内提高对自闭症认识的举措的一部分,格雷格·波波维奇和其他教练在两场比赛中穿上了定制的耐克 Air Force 1 球鞋。

马刺队球迷马丁·克罗格尔虽然在丹麦相隔 5300 英里,却感觉教练格雷格·波波维奇最近在比赛后对自闭症接受发表的评论是为了他而发表的。

“如果我将来能亲自感谢那位先生,这将成为我感谢清单中的首要任务,”50 岁的 IT 顾问克罗格尔在 X 上写道,X 以前称为 Twitter。

克罗格尔在 48 岁时被诊断出患有阿斯伯格综合征,这是一种自闭症形式。

“忘掉胜利和冠军头衔吧,那只是比赛,”在听到 NBA 历史胜场最多的教练对包容性的信息后,克罗格尔写道,“看清人们的本质,并利用你的平台做好事,这才是最终最重要的。”

4 月 7 日在与费城队的比赛中,作为 NBA 推广自闭症接受月努力的一部分,波波维奇在主场比赛期间穿着耐克定制的 Air Force 1 运动鞋,上面印着彩色的无限符号,上面写着“包容”和“全力以赴”的字样。他谈到了重视自闭症谱系障碍人群的必要性。

“我们只是想让人们更多地了解自闭症,”他说,“我甚至不知道它如此普遍。我想每 37 个孩子中就有一个被诊断出患有自闭症,这比我想知道的要多得多。但我认为这是一种在某些方面被误解的疾病。就好像它是一件‘坏事’,或者那个人是‘另类’。现在,那个人只是与众不同,确实值得我们关注、支持并意识到他们有其他优势,或者优势用的不对,但其他特质让他们变得特别。


自闭症倡导者对 75 岁的波波维奇表现出的同情和支持表示赞赏。



自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 是一种从轻度到严重的疾病,通常表现为社交障碍、沟通困难、重复行为和其他问题。根据疾病控制和预防中心的数据,自闭症在美国每 36 个儿童中就影响一个,每 45 个成年人中就影响一个。

波波维奇和其他 NBA 教练响应犹他爵士队助理教练斯科特·莫里森及其妻子苏珊娜的努力,在他们的儿子马克斯于 2022 年被诊断出患有自闭症后提高人们对自闭症的认识,于是积极响应自闭症接纳月。


作为 NBA 全联盟范围内提高对自闭症认识的举措的一部分,格雷格·波波维奇和其他教练在两场比赛中穿上了定制的耐克 Air Force 1 球鞋。

这些运动鞋由教练签名,并拍卖以筹集 To The Max 基金会的资金,该基金会是由莫里森夫妇创立的非营利组织,旨在支持自闭症人士及其家人。









丹麦马刺球迷克罗格尔称赞波波维奇在 X 上发表的评论,他也被诊断出患有注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 和阿斯伯格综合征。

阿斯伯格综合征是自闭症谱系的一种疾病,通常功能较高。根据 Nationwide Children’s Hospital 的网站,患有这种疾病的人可能在社交方面表现笨拙,并且对特定主题有全神贯注的兴趣。

“这改变了我的人生,我突然意识到我现在可以放下自童年以来一直带着的内疚和愤怒,”克罗格尔通过 X 上的直接消息向 Express-News 写信,谈及他对诊断情况。




“这就是为什么 Pop 的评论让我感动。作为一个同类教练的儿子,同样粗暴但关怀,这可能不足为奇,我对他已经很尊敬了。对于像我这样的人来说,一个拥有如此崇高地位的人有机会教育人们一些像记住包括我们这样简单但有意义的事情一样宝贵。



Popovich’s support of autism acceptance reached global audience

[Image] Gregg Popovich and other coaches across the league wore custom Nike Air Force 1 shoes for a pair of games as part of an NBA-wide initiative to raise awareness for autism.

Spurs fan Martin Krøger, although 5,300 miles away in Denmark, had the sense coach Gregg Popovich’s comments after a recent game in support of autism acceptance were made for his benefit.

“If I could ever thank that man in person, this would be at the top of my list of things to thank him for,” Krøger, a 50-year-old IT consultant, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Krøger was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism, when he was 48.

“Forget the wins and the titles, that’s just a game,” Krøger wrote after hearing the NBA’s all-time winningest coach’s message of inclusion. “Seeing people for who they are and using your platform for doing good works, that’s what really matters in the end.”

After wearing Nike custom Air Force 1 sneakers sporting a colorful infinity symbol with the words “Inclusion” and “To The Max” during a home game against Philadelphia on April 7 as part of the NBA’s efforts to promote Autism Acceptance Month, Popovich spoke about the need to value those living on the autism spectrum.

“We’re just trying to bring some awareness to autism,” he said. "I didn’t even realize it was that prolific. I guess it’s one out of every 37 children is diagnosed with autism, and that’s a lot more than I think I knew. But it’s a malady I think is misunderstood in some ways. It’s like it’s a ‘bad thing’ or that person is the ‘other’. Now, that person is just different and really deserves our attention, our support and a realization they have other advantages, or advantages is the wrong word, but other traits that make them special.

“So giving them love and support is really important and hopefully people will understand they need to be included. They can’t be put aside as ‘others’. They need to be included and supported.”

Autism advocates applauded the empathy and support shown by Popovich, 75.

“It’s absolutely wonderful,” said Tiffany Fresher, CEO of the Autism Community Network, a San Antonio nonprofit that works to “maximize the potential of children with autism by providing early diagnosis for those with limited access and educating and empowering the community to support them,” according to its website.

“Gregg Popovich is a San Antonio hero. And certainly having him publicly support or love on these kids and adults that need our support is amazing. A huge thank you from our agency.”

Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is a condition that ranges from mild to serious and is typically marked by social awkwardness, communication difficulties, repetitive behaviors and other problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, autism affects one in every 36 children and one in 45 adults in the United States.

Popovich and other NBA coaches embraced Autism Acceptance Month in response to an effort by Utah Jazz assistant coach Scott Morrison and his wife Susanne to raise awareness after their son Max was diagnosed with autism in 2022.

“Before the season started, we just knew we wanted to do something to try and help or contribute,” Morrison told USA Today. “And we had the idea to just maybe tap into the handful of coaches I knew just to see who would be interested in wearing the shoes as a way to highlight autism.”

[Image] Gregg Popovich and other coaches across the league wore custom Nike Air Force 1 shoes for a pair of games as part of an NBA-wide initiative to raise awareness for autism.

The sneakers were signed by the coaches and auctioned off to raise funds for the To The Max Foundation, a nonprofit founded by the Morrisons to support autistic individuals and their families.

Dr. Melissa D. Svoboda, director of the autism program at the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, said it was “amazing” to hear Popovich draw attention to autism.

But she said his comments also reinforced her belief the public still needs more education about autism.

"When I first started my training, I told people I was going to work with autistic children, and they were like, ‘Artistic? Like they draw?’ " Svoboda said. "Nobody knew what autistic meant. Thank goodness, fast forward, fifteen, twenty years later and now it is so much more common, but you still have people like coach Popovich saying, ‘Oh, I didn’t know it was this common.’

“It’s so common that there is this real big movement toward neurodiversity, which is really what he is getting at, that maybe (autism) is a spectrum of normal, especially with some of these higher functioning individuals. Some people may call them quirky, but they have a place here. There are some amazing things they do that other people don’t have as a skill set. And it really is about inclusion and support to make sure everybody, no matter ability or disability, finds a placed and a meaning in what they want to do.”

The Autism Community Network works toward fulfilling that goal by helping families gain a better understanding of autism.

“When somebody in the family has autism, everyone is dealing with autism in their family,” Fresher said. “We are trying to teach them their child’s strengths and how to communicate with their child and how to reduce stress in their family…to help the family better communicate with the child, so the child’s stress is reduced as well.”

Svoboda is hopeful that during Autism Acceptance Month people “on the more severe end of the spectrum who require a lot of support” aren’t forgotten.

“A lot of this neurodiversity movement is centered on people at the higher end of the spectrum, but I think we have to make sure we are including everybody on every part of the spectrum,” she said.

Krøger, the Danish Spurs fan who praised Popovich’s comments on X, was also diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), along with Asperger’s syndrome.

Asperger’s syndrome is a condition on the autism spectrum with generally higher functioning. People with the condition may be socially awkward and have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics, according to the website for the Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

“It was a life-changing experience, suddenly realizing I could now let go of all of the guilt and anger I’d carried around with me since childhood,” Krøger wrote to the Express-News in a direct message on X about his diagnosis.

“I came to accept that while I was in fact different from most of the people around me, that did not mean there was something wrong with me. I was simply that: different.”

Krøger wote that being “very open” about his diagnosis with family, friends and colleagues has been a freeing experience.

“People deserved to know how much hard work goes into just living with someone like me or into living with children with the same difficulties,” he wrote. " It’s been very heartening to see the reactions my wife and I have gotten from people we know. Still, I’m able to mask my neurodivergence somewhat when I’m out in the world and so I still get to hear how people talk about ‘everyone wants a diagnosis for their kid these days’ and questioning the validity of the difficulties facing us.

"That’s why Pop’s comments moved me. Being the son of a no-nonsense coach in that same gruff but caring mold, it’s probably no surprise I already hold him in high regard. It just means so incredibly much to people like me that a man of his stature takes the opportunity to educate folks on something as simple but meaningful as remembering to include us, even though we’re a bit different.

“His reminder that we need love and support really hit home for me, knowing that while I’m fortunate in that regard, I know too many who weren’t as lucky as me.”

By Tom Orsborn, Sports reporter , via San Antonio Express-News