
By Jeff McDonald, Spurs Writer | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-04-15 13:23:17

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圣安东尼奥马刺中锋文班亚马在 2024 年 4 月 9 日星期二对阵孟菲斯灰熊队的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场。 (美联社照片/布兰登·迪尔)


下一个赛季的目标:不要再经历 22-60 的战绩。

悲观的人看到连续第二个 60 负赛季,并指出尽管文班亚马打出了 NBA 历史上最好的新秀赛季之一,但马刺队的战绩并没有丝毫改善。

乐观的人会注意到马刺队结束了这个赛季,并在最后 11 场比赛中赢得了 7 场。






赖特说:“每个人都有一个愿景和一个想要执行的计划” “但是如果在纸面上是静态的,并且无法根据你看到的情况进行调整,那么这可能不是什么计划。”





马刺队进入 6 月份的选秀大会,手握自己的选秀权,如果运气好的话,他们会再次进入选秀大会的前列。他们只有 10.4% 的几率在芝加哥下个月的抽签中获得状元签,排名第五。

这比他们去年夏天选中文班亚马时 14% 的几率略低。

如果猛龙队的首轮选秀权跌出前六,马刺队也有机会获得它。猛龙队以 NBA 本赛季第六差的战绩结束了这个赛季,这让马刺队有 54.1% 的几率获得选秀权。

马刺队还在第二轮拥有一个选秀权,即第 47 顺位,以前属于洛杉矶湖人队。



如果马刺队需要腾出额外的阵容名额,他们有办法做到。朱利安·香槟妮、多米尼克·巴洛和查尔斯·巴塞正在下个赛季的非保障合同中,而德文特·格雷厄姆仅有 290 万美元的保障金。





文班亚马说:“从未动摇过一秒钟”。“我从未想过自己不在最佳状态。我希望我们没有输掉 60 场比赛。但今天尽管很难,我知道这是为了长期发展。我 100% 信任我的队友,我信任这个过程。”



球队从 11 月 5 日到 12 月 15 日未能赢得一场比赛,取而代之的是创下球队纪录的 18 连败。


在牛仔竞技场之旅之后,马刺队成为 NBA 进步最快的球队之一。





‘No one blueprint:’ How the Spurs aim to build around Wemby

[Image] San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama plays in the first half of an NBA basketball game against the Memphis Grizzlies Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Memphis, Tenn. (AP Photo/Brandon Dill)

As Spurs players cleared out their lockers Monday afternoon and scattered to the wind for the summer, coach Gregg Popovich, general manager Brian Wright and the rest of the Spurs staff had work to do entering their first full offseason of building around Victor Wembanyama.

The goal for next season: Don’t go 22-60 again.

The glass-half-empty types see a second consecutive 60-loss season and note the Spurs’ record did not improve an iota despite Wembanyama turning in one of the best rookie campaigns in NBA history.

The glass-half-full types will note the Spurs finished the season on something of a tear, winning 7 of their final 11.

“Even when we don’t win, we’re still getting better,” said fifth-year forward Keldon Johnson, the team’s longest-tenured player. “I feel like we are striving in the right direction. I feel like we are right there and it is only a matter of time.”

For those in the front office, the task of putting pieces around Wembanyama begins in earnest this summer.

It is possible – though not probable – the Spurs dip into the storehouse of first-round draft picks they have collected a try and trade for a star to run alongside Wembanyama.

More than likely, though, the Spurs will try to fill in around the margins, using their own draft picks this season and adding a few veteran role players via free agency.

Flexibility is paramount, Wright said.

“Everybody has a vision and a plan you want to execute,” Wright said. “But if it’s static on paper and it is not adaptable based on what you’ve seen, it’s probably not much of a plan.”

If Wright and his team are feeling the pressure to put a winner around Wembanyama sooner rather than later, they aren’t showing it.

The plan, Wright said, is to “be aggressive, but be strategically aggressive.”

Whether Wembanyama’s arrival and subsequent rise has hastened the timeline for building a playoff team, Wright would not say.

“We’ve said this for a few years now – the guys will determine the timeline, just by their individual developments and then collective development,” Wright said.

The Spurs enter the June draft armed with their own pick, which with any reasonable luck could again land them near the top of the draft again. They own the fifth-best odds of landing the No. 1 pick in next month’s drawing in Chicago at 10.4 percent.

That is a shade worse than the 14-percent chance they cashed in to score Wembanyama last summer.

The Spurs also have a chance to earn Toronto’s first-round pick if it falls outside the top six. The Raptors finished the season with the NBA’s sixth-worst record, giving the Spurs a 54.1 percent chance of poaching the pick.

The Spurs also have a pick in the second round, the No. 47 overall that once belonged to the Los Angeles Lakers.

The Spurs have only one player set to enter unrestricted free agency off this season’s roster, backup forward Cedi Osman.

Backup big man Sandro Mamukelashvili is poised to become a restricted free agent, giving the Spurs the right to match outside offers.

Should the Spurs need to free additional roster spots, they have means to do so. Julian Champagnie, Dominick Barlow and Charles Bassey are under non-guaranteed contracts for next season, while Devonte’ Graham’s is only guaranteed at $2.9 million.

The idea, Wright said, is to find players who fit Wembanyama’s skillset and timeline.

“I don’t know that there’s one blueprint,” Wright said. “He’s so dynamic that I think you can build the thing in a lot of different ways and so we’ve got to keep chipping away with that.”

As inarguably the most important man in the organization, Wembanyama said he has complete faith in the way the Spurs are trying to build.

Asked if his confidence in the team wavered as the losses piled up this season, Wembanyama shook his head.

“Never even one second,” Wembanyama said. “I never thought at any point I wasn’t in the best place. I wish we didn’t lose 60 games. But as much as it is hard today, I know it’s for the long-term. I trust my teammates 100 percent and I trust the process.”

As part of that process, Popovich and others on the staff will spend the days to come rehashing the season that was and evaluating what worked and didn’t.

The Spurs took a while to find their footing, opening the season with Jeremy Sochan experimenting out of position at point guard and Wembanyama starting alongside a second big man in Zach Collins.

The team went from Nov. 5 to Dec. 15 without winning a game, putting together a franchise-record 18-game losing streak instead.

Popovich eventually reinstalled Tre Jones as the starting point guard, moved Collins to the bench so Wembanyama could start at center and found a serviceable rotation.

After the rodeo road trip, the Spurs were one of the most improved teams in the NBA.

“It would be less than genuine if I said it was not a challenging year,” Popovich said. “Losing is challenging. But it was one of the most satisfying years I’ve spent here, just because the caliber of the character of the guys I was allowed to coach.”

With that, Popovich retreated to his office to the Frost Bank Center, same as he had after every other game this season.

Monday marked the start of a new week, and there was work to be done.

By Jeff McDonald, Spurs Writer, via San Antonio Express-News