-今年神了,又是这个光头裁判,马刺一次次的无厘头的犯规。尤其是manu的那些,还有kawhi被直接打头,还有jack投篮时OKC的助教居然伸手去干扰。操。结果呢,全部是马刺犯规。Duncan盖帽,犯规,manu投进飘逸投篮,犯规,manu传球后站定,被hardern flop, manu 犯规,3分无效。jack被OKC助教干扰后投进,回头看了一下,T。这球别打了,能打完整场真的是马刺脾气好。服了。马刺输了8分,裁判给了雷霆至少至少12分,还不包括把manu罚到替补席上不能打球。操,真想骂人!
“Obviously it is disappointing, but all the credit to Oklahoma City…We had a great first half, we got control of the game. They continued to fight and get back into the game and their talent was just impressive. I don’t think it was lack of effort on our part, I think we laid it out there and we gave all we could but they were the better team.”
What do you think changed in the third quarter?
“They made shots and we did not. I thought our effort and execution was there they just made shots through a stretch there and got back into it. Then down the stretch it seemed like they got every whistle possible and that really changed the tide. We were playing tough defense and trying to get stops but the whistle kept blowing and they went to the line.”
After Tony Parker’s big half do you feel like he slowed down in the second half due to fatigue?
“I have to imagine he got pretty tired but I don’t think that was the reason. I thought OKC did a great job in getting back and crowding the lane. We still did a pretty good job of passing the ball and hitting shots. We can talk about it all we want but the bottom line is they outplayed us for a stretch there and they out played us when it mattered.”
Is this more disappointing after the type of season the team had?
“It is very disappointing. I thought this was our time to get back to the Finals and push for another championship. That was our singular goal, but obviously it ends here.”