
  1. My Shoes - I had the fortune of being sponsored by New Balance for two glorious seasons. Here’s the problem: New Balance stopped sponsoring basketball players almost three years ago. So while the other two or three players in the NBA wearing New Balance switched to Nike or Adidas or British Knights, I was left in the proverbial shoebox. Nobody wanted me.

To this day, I am still wearing New Balance basketball sneakers I have left over from the “good old days”. I’m down to my last four or five pairs and have no clue what I’m going to do when they run out. I even called New Balance in the hopes that they would send me some more. They said no. I then scoured the internet and came up emptier than Leonardo Dicaprio at the Oscars. In a last ditch attempt, I found one pair in my size on E-Bay but they were purple. The scrutiny from Coach Pop wouldn’t be worth it… But they are soooooo comfortable! The point is, I am obviously the only person wearing New Balance basketball sneakers in the NBA, possibly the world. Apparently that’s NOT COOL.

关于我的球鞋。有两个赛季我过得很好,而且幸运地得到了New Balance的赞助。现在问题来了:差不多三年前,New Balance停止了跟NBA球员的合作。有两三个之前穿New Balance的球员转向了耐克或者阿迪或者British Knights(…这是个啥牌子?)只有我还孤零零地躺在原来指定给我的鞋盒里,没人把我捡回去。

至今我还穿着那些“逝去的美好时代”残留下来的New Balance,但是只有不到四五双了。穿完这些该怎么办?我还毫无头绪。我甚至给New Balance 打电话,恳求明天再给我送几双过来,他们说不行。我也在互联网上找过,结局就像奥斯卡颁奖礼上的迪卡普里奥,也就是说,两手空空。通过最后一次的努力,我终于在e-aby上找到有我尺码的鞋,但那是紫色的!为了这双鞋还得顶住Pop严厉审视的目光,还是算了吧。不过New Balance穿起来太舒服了!关键在于,我可能是NBA唯一穿New Balance球鞋的球员,可能也是世界上唯一的。显然这个唯一不怎么值得炫耀。


New Balance的鞋子不错的,穿着很舒服!

British Knights是早年发迹于美国的一个潮牌.

:lol nba唯一在封盖别人后不敢看别人的


