[SpursTalk] 圣安东尼奥马刺对阵孟菲斯灰熊 – 第47场 – 球员评分

By LJ Ellis | SpursTalk, 2025-02-05 18:20:03


圣安东尼奥马刺队以 109-128 的比分输给了孟菲斯灰熊队,战绩跌至低于五成胜率五个胜场。这场失利使马刺队的赛季战绩变为 21 胜 26 负,而灰熊队的战绩则提升至 34 胜 16 负。

两队在第一节打得难解难分。不幸的是,对于马刺来说,他们的进攻在第二节陷入了停滞。在将近七分钟的比赛时间里,马刺队一分未得,灰熊队趁机建立了 21 分的领先优势。




马刺对阵灰熊 – 最终评分

维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)

在因病缺席一场比赛后,文班亚马重返赛场。他的表现不错。这位二年级超级新星有时看起来有些疲惫,但他绝对打出了一场高于平均水平的比赛。他的投篮命中率足够高,获得了罚球机会,而且他的球场视野非常出色。文班亚马有时控球不够谨慎,但这几乎就是他所有的不足之处了。在防守端,这位法国球员曾经表现更好,但在孟菲斯,他的防守也很稳固。在文班亚马不在场的 17 分钟里,马刺队输了 27 分。这基本上就决定了比赛的胜负。


德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell)



克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul)

优点:保罗贡献了 8 次助攻,很好地掌控了比赛节奏。他在防守端成功地隐藏了自己。他对球权的拼抢也很有帮助。缺点:保罗没能找到得分的感觉。他的失误比平时多,而且确实错失了几次给空位队友传球的机会。


哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)



斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)



凯尔登·约翰逊 (Keldon Johnson)

在连续几场出色表现之后,约翰逊在对阵灰熊的比赛中表现糟糕。他 8 投仅 1 中,而且他的防守也差强人意。这场比赛约翰逊唯一的亮点是他的传球比平时更好。


杰里米·索汉 (Jeremy Sochan)



朱利叶斯·尚帕尼 (Julius Champagnie)



查尔斯·巴塞 (Charles Bassey)



布雷克·韦斯利 (Blake Wesley)



米奇·约翰逊 (Mitch Johnson)



点击查看原文:Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Memphis Grizzlies – Game #47

Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Memphis Grizzlies – Game #47

The San Antonio Spurs dropped to five games below .500 after falling to the Memphis Grizzlies by a final score of 128-109. The loss gives the Spurs a record of 21-26 on the season, while the Grizzlies improved to 34-16.

The two teams played a tight first quarter. Unfortunately for the good guys, San Antonio’s offense flatlined in the second quarter. After the Spurs went scoreless for nearly seven minutes of playing time, the Grizzlies had built a 21-point lead.

Memphis held control of the game the rest of the way. All in all, there’s not a whole lot of good the Spurs can take from this loss.

Stats: Spurs at Grizzlies

spurs grizzlies grades

Spurs at Grizzlies – Final Grades

Victor Wembanyama

After missing a game with an illness, Wembanyama was back in the lineup. He did well. The super sophomore seemed fatigued at times but he definitely played an above average game. He shot well enough, he got to the line and his court vision was superb. Wembanyama was too loose with the ball at times but that was about the extent of his negatives. Defensively, the Frenchman has been better but he was solid in Memphis. In the 17 minutes when Wembanyama was not on the court, the Spurs were outscored by 27 points. That right there was basically the ballgame.

Grade: B+

Devin Vassell

Vassell had a suboptimal game, to put it kindly. He shot the ball poorly from two-point range, shot it poorly from three-point range and failed to get to the line. His playmaking was minimal and his shot-selection was suspect. Vassell didn’t play much defense and, overall, he continues to struggle to fit within the framework of the team.

Grade: D

Chris Paul

The good: Paul totaled eight assists and ran the show well. He successfully hid on the defensive end of the court. His attacking of loose balls was helpful. The bad: Paul couldn’t get his scoring going. He turned it over more than usual and actually missed a couple open teammates.

Grade: C

Harrison Barnes

Barnes is a lot more useful when he’s aggressive. Against the Grizzlies, he did very little on the offensive end. His effort level on the defensive end was also tepid. It was a night at the office that Barnes will want to forget as soon as possible.

Grade: D+

Stephon Castle

Castle continues to look like a home run of a draft pick. He had issues with turnovers in Memphis and his defense wasn’t as effective as usual — but the flashes of brilliance were there. He shot it well from deep, he authored explosive forays to the rim and his passing was very good. His effort was outstanding and he took over the game for stretches at a time. Castle can do a lot on the basketball court and gets more and more comfortable by the day.

Grade: B+

Keldon Johnson

After a string of strong performances, Johnson laid an egg against the Grizzlies. He hit only 1-of-8 shots from the field and his defense left a lot to be desired. The silver lining for Johnson’s outing was that his passing was better than normal.

Grade: D

Jeremy Sochan

After a few lukewarm outings following a back injury, Sochan looked a lot better against the Grizzlies. He hit both of his three-point attempts, his athleticism at the rim was improved, he passed the ball well and he was active on the glass. Sochan is still showing some rust and doesn’t look as spry as he did earlier in the season — but this was definitely a step in the right direction.

Grade: B+

Julius Champagnie

I didn’t love how Champagnie played. He forced a few shots and his defense was too inconsistent. He rebounded fine but otherwise it’s difficult to find anything Champagnie did well.

Grade: C-

Charles Bassey

The most notable moment for Bassey was when he went down with a knee injury. He was able to keep playing for a little bit but it looked scary. Performance-wise, Bassey struggled. Wembanyama has big shoes to fill but the drop-off to Bassey was more gargantuan than ever.

Grade: D+

Blake Wesley

With Tre Jones gone in the De’Aaron Fox trade, Wesley got a couple real minutes. He still looks fast and still has some playmaking chops — but he didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary.

Grade: Inc.

Mitch Johnson

Johnson has to take some responsibility for the ship sinking when Wembanyama went off the court. The bench unit looked even more inept than usual. The usage of Vassell has to be in question as well.

Grade: C-

By LJ Ellis, via SpursTalk