[PtR] 开放讨论:斯蒂芬·卡斯尔被任命为马刺青年篮球联赛主席

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-07 20:00:00


洛杉矶快船 vs 圣安东尼奥马刺

必胜客庆祝其成立 35 周年,造福德克萨斯州中南部青少年


马刺青年篮球联赛 (SYBL) 和 必胜客 今日宣布,圣安东尼奥马刺队后卫斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)已被任命为本赛季SYBL主席。作为SYBL的冠名合作伙伴,必胜客在其成立35周年之际推出了一项促销活动,以支持该联赛的使命和运动员,并承诺在1月6日星期一至2月9日星期日期间,每售出一个大号单面馅料披萨,就将一部分收益捐赠给该青年联赛。球迷们可以在圣安东尼奥地区的任何一家必胜客餐厅或通过PizzaHut.com订购。


Ayvaz Pizza(必胜客的运营公司)总裁Usman Dhanani表示:


马刺队主教练格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)选择新秀卡斯尔担任本赛季的SYBL主席。



自1990年由马刺队主教练波波维奇和儿童体育网络总裁兼创始人弗兰克·马丁(Frank Martin)创立SYBL以来,必胜客一直以其为荣,并持续赞助。

点击查看原文:Open Thread: Stephon Castle named Spurs Youth Basketball League Commissioner

Open Thread: Stephon Castle named Spurs Youth Basketball League Commissioner

Los Angeles Clippers v San Antonio Spurs

Pizza Hut celebrates their 35th anniversary benefitting Central and South Texas youth

Per a Spurs press release:

Spurs Youth Basketball League (SYBL) and Pizza Hut announced today that San Antonio Spurs guard Stephon Castle has been named the SYBL commissioner for this season. As the presenting partner of SYBL, Pizza Hut is celebrating with a promotional offer to support the league’s mission and athletes in its 35th anniversary season and donating a portion of their proceeds to the youth league for every large one-topping stuffed crust pizza sold between Monday, Jan. 6 and Sunday, Feb. 9. Fans can place their order with any Pizza Hut in the San Antonio area at PizzaHut.com.

The SYBL has been funding basketball programs and offering safe spaces across Central and South Texas for youngsters. Over the last thirty-five years, 463,000 young athletes and coaches have worked together developing basketball skills teamwork, respect, and discipline.

Usman Dhanani, President of Ayvaz Pizza, dba Pizza Hut stated,

“Pizza Hut continues to be proud to partner with the Spurs on giving back to the San Antonio youth, great community togetherness. The Spurs Youth Basketball League, presented by Pizza Hut, supports young people by inspiring and motivating them to reach for their dreams. As local owners, it’s rewarding to be a part of making a difference.”

Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich selected rookie Stephon Castle to serve as this season’s SYBL commissioner.

Castle explained,

“I’m humbled to be selected as the SYBL Commissioner, especially in this special anniversary season. SYBL has done incredibly impactful work in our San Antonio community over the last 35 years, so it’s an honor for me to join that legacy. My hope is to inspire and lead the next generation not only through my game, but also through my character, and I’m grateful to Coach Popovich for trusting me with this responsibility.”

Pizza Hut has proudly sponsored SYBL since it was founded by Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich and Kids Sports Network president and founder, Frank Martin in 1990.

By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock

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