[PtR] 维克托·文班亚马 已准备好改进他的进攻方式 ▶️

By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-01 23:00:00


NBA:圣安东尼奥马刺队 - 媒体日


维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 正着眼于在个人发展中迈出下一步。

在圣安东尼奥马刺队的媒体日上,他说道,他比赛的最大重点是“将非常简单的情况转化为优势”。他举的例子是终结进攻。马刺球迷为此欢呼雀跃。 如果他信守诺言,那么他三分球的出手次数将不会超过上篮或扣篮;这将大大提高他的效率。

更频繁地冲击篮筐将会创造出大量的“简单情况”。据报道,他的体重从 210 磅增加到 235 磅,他的身体已经为此做好了准备。

尽管他的跳投很漂亮,但他还是应该降低其使用频率,因为他无法像德克·诺维茨基那样在外线吸引包夹。对他来说,33.4% 的总体命中率并不是一个有效的武器。即使他作为射手的水平有所提高,他也可能因为身高过高而无法采用这种策略。


与其他中锋相比,文班亚马在 2023-24 赛季的内线得分排名第 10。值得注意的是,他落后于鲁迪·戈贝尔和贾勒特·阿伦,这两位球员的进攻技巧都很薄弱。*戈贝尔比文班多打了 5 场比赛,阿伦多打了 7 场。*如果算上所有位置,他与科怀·伦纳德并列第 25

文班亚马每向篮筐迈进一步,都会给防守方施加更大的压力,因为对于一个臂展达到 8 英尺的巨人,他们毫无办法。请记住,卡里姆·阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔的身高和臂展都非常出色,身高 7 英尺 2 英寸,臂展 7 英尺 5 英寸。他的主要武器是“天勾”。唯一一个能正面阻止他的人是威尔特·张伯伦,他可能与其说是人,不如说更像半神。

如果这位卫冕最佳新秀能练就一记拿手的勾手,他将成为自“天勾”之后最不可阻挡的球员。每个中锋都需要一个,就像拳击手依靠刺拳来为重拳创造机会一样。但这样的事业需要耐心。在 2023-24 赛季,他 51 次勾手出手只命中了 23 次

考虑到文班在距离篮筐不到 5 英尺的范围内,他的命中率达到了 67.1%。这些出手占他所有出手的 37.4%,是最高的。凭借这样的效率,他必须至少有五分之三的进攻选择是在那里完成,以制造更多身体接触,从而获得罚球机会。频繁地进行挡拆和手递手传球是确保他做到这一点的策略。除此之外,马刺队可以在底线为他进行交叉掩护,以便他在接球时获得更深的位置。

每晚 5.2 次的罚球次数是不够的;他的目标应该是每场比赛至少获得 9 次罚球。这对防守方的影响就像铁球摧毁建筑物的地基一样。让对手陷入犯规麻烦会确保出现“简单情况”,因为他们的替补球员实力较弱,而且球队可以在每节比赛的早期就获得罚球。



点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama is ready to revamp his offensive approach

Victor Wembanyama is ready to revamp his offensive approach

NBA: San Antonio Spurs-Media Day

Wembanyama’s focus will accelerate his development

Victor Wembanyama is aiming to take the next step in his development.

At San Antonio Spurs Media Day, he said the big emphasis put on his game is “making an advantage out of really simple situations.” The example he cited was finishing. Hallelujah sang the Spurs fans. If he’s true to his word, he won’t attempt more 3-point shots than layups or dunks; this will increase his efficiency drastically.

Going to the body of the defense with higher frequency will create “simple situations” in abundance. His body is prepared for it after reportedly upping his weight from 210 to 235 pounds.

As pretty as his jumper is, he should still use it but lower its prevalence because he won’t catch traps on the perimeter like Dirk Nowitzki. It’s not an effective weapon for him at 33.4 percent from all areas. Even when he improves as a marksman, he may be too tall for that strategy to work.

But he will catch way more schemes from the elbow down. Facing up from here instead of farther out is ideal because it gives help defenders less time to respond. Additionally, playing like a heavyweight will unlock his passing when the paint is collapsed- he can avoid trouble with the overhead pass and be in great position to score on the return feed.

In comparison to other centers, Wembanyama was 10th in paint scoring in 2023-24. Noticeably, he was behind Rudy Gobert and Jarrett Allen, who have weak offensive moves. Gobert played in five more games than W, and Allen logged seven. When adding all positions, he was tied for 25th with Kawhi Leonard.

Wembanyama pressures the defense more with each step he takes toward the rim because there is no answer for a giant with an eight-foot reach. Keep in mind that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had elite size and length at 7’2 with a 7’5 wingspan. His main weapon was the cruise missile. The only man who stopped it straight up was Wilt Chamberlain, who was probably more demigod than man.

If the reigning Rookie of the Year gets a go-to hook, he’ll be the most unguardable player since the goggled assassin. Every pivot needs one, like a boxer who depends on the shotgun jab to set up the big shot. But such an undertaking will require patience. In 2023-24, he only made 23 of 51 hooks.

Consider that Wemby made 67.1 percent of his tries at fewer than five feet from the cup. Those attempts were the highest of his shot diet at 37.4 percent. With that efficiency, he must take at least three out of five ventures there to create more contact to get to the line. Spamming pick and rolls and handoffs are strategies to ensure he does. On top of that, the Spurs could run cross screens on the baseline for him to open up deeper positioning on the catch.

And firing 5.2 freebies nightly is not enough; his goal should be taking at least nine per game. The impact it would have against defenses is similar to a ball and chain destroying a building’s foundation. Putting rivals in foul trouble ensures “simple situations” because an inferior player replaces them and the team can get in the bonus early in the quarter.

“The more I grow into my career, the more I realize it’s important to work on the fundamentals,” Wembanyama said.

He wants to win sooner rather than later. Embracing the fundamentals will help him take the Spurs back to glory.

By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock
