[ESPN]2024 年 NBA 选秀:提出选秀 Zacharie Risacher 为第 1 顺位的理由


Jeremy Woo

2024 年 4 月 22 日,上午 10:45 ET

由于围绕 2024 年 NBA 选秀产生了很大的不确定性,ESPN 选秀分析师 Jeremy Woo 将对争夺总第 1 顺位新秀的候选人进行更深入的考察。本文最初发表于 2024 年 1 月 22 日。

Zacharie Risacher 为一名青少年奉献了一个创造历史的高产赛季,他从 ASVEL 搬到了 Bourg,这是他在家乡法国的最后一个赛季。作为六次法国联赛全明星球员 Stéphane Risacher 的儿子,Risacher 在 Pro A 和欧洲杯中都为自己的俱乐部承担了重要的角色,并且在信心和表现方面取得了飞跃。这位 18 岁的球员在周一宣布参加 2024 年 NBA 选秀后,已经成为 6 月份首批被选中球员之一。

Woo 分析了 Risacher 的比赛,审视了他的优势/劣势,并为他提供了一个球员补偿,以推动他发展进步。

Zacharie Risacher | 小前锋 | 年龄:18.8 | JL Bourg

Risacher 的优势

在很多方面,Risacher 符合典型的 NBA 侧翼原型,提供位置尺寸、场上智慧、得分、组织进攻和积极防守的综合体。虽然他在这些方面还没有明显超出图表,但他作为一个同龄人具备一个非常全面的发展基础——他 4 月份满 19 岁。Risacher 在 2023 年 Hoop Summit 上身穿球鞋测量身高 6 英尺 9 ½ 英寸,臂展 6 英尺 10 ½ 英寸,这给了他良好的体型,但对于小前锋来说是一个平均长度,与 Shane Battier 和孟菲斯队的 ZiaireWilliams 等侧翼球员不相上下。自 Hoop Summit 以来,他作为一个球员取得了重大进步,从在 2023 年国际篮联 U19 世界锦标赛上的糟糕表现中恢复过来,转会到一家投资他发展的新俱乐部,并成为欧洲最优秀的年轻球员之一。

本赛季,Risacher 的防守发挥非常出色,展示了在防守外线较小球员时的多功能性,以及在他这个体型有效转换、轮转和导航的能力。这种能力和意识总是预示着十几岁球员在 NBA 职业生涯的早期获得比赛时间的可能性,并且帮助球探为 Risacher 在 3-D 角色中的合理上限提出设想。

在进攻端,Risacher 也有效地利用了自己的触球,2 分命中率达到 56%,3 分命中率达到 47%(尽管罚球命中率仅为 70%),比他的职业生涯平均水平有了很大的提升。他运球投篮和侵略性的闪光点表明他还有未开发的上涨空间,这使他能够利用自己的体型在无法到达篮筐时投篮。虽然他不是一个大产量的得分手,但他对角色表现出的耐心和全面感觉非常显著,如果他的进步是真实且可持续的,那么他的整体表现中存在一定的安全性。

Risacher 的弱点

在这个职业生涯阶段,Risacher 档案中的主要缺陷在于,他不是一个先进的投篮创造者,也不是一个出色的跳投选手。他在运球时有点直立,并且缺乏在空间内攻击防守者的创造性动作,这使得很难想象他成为职业篮球中没有投篮环节大幅进步的顶级进攻选择。他的得分潜力很大程度上取决于成为一名顶级射手——尽管他在本赛季的统计数据表现良好,但 Risacher 在我们数据库中各个级别职业生涯 3 分命中率为 35.9%。

想到现在就进攻让 Risacher 作为特色球员,可能需要一个结构化的无球角色,在这种角色中,他在半场获得更多设计的触球得分,但他可能不是那种具有保证性的射手。在 NBA 体系中,Risacher 在职业生涯的早期更可能扮演三​​分得分角色,用他的投篮来扩大空间,直线攻击篮筐,并允许一位组织核心球员为他创造机会。Risacher 的全面发挥一直很稳定,并且为他的职业发展轨迹带来了一些信心,但为了在职业篮球中获得一个与顶级选秀相匹配的高端结果,他必须不断提高自己作为一名得分手。如果从长远来看,他只是一个普通的射手,他可能不值得得到一支球队为选中他而必须投入的资本。

NBA 球探对 Risacher 的评价

根据我们在联盟中收集到的信息,Risacher 在 2024 年 NBA 选秀中被列为前五名。他符合有价值的位置原型以及他强劲的当前发展轨迹,这给他带来了进入赛季后半段和选秀前进程的一些动力。球探们分享了我关于他的投篮创造、投篮以及这些如何限制他的上涨空间的部分担忧,但对于他以自己年龄已经拥有的良好水平的技能也有一种安全感。

我从 NBA 球探那里得到的感觉是,在一个更强的选秀中,Risacher 可能会被选中为中末段乐透秀,而不是前半段。这凸显了多才多艺的两向球员在体型和感觉方面的价值,无论选秀如何。

我最喜欢的 Risacher 精彩片段

在法国,预计第三顺位新秀 Zacharie Risacher 又打了一场精彩的比赛,得到 25 分钟,包括几个关键的个人盖帽,在比赛后期逼対戦手投篮未中。这位身高 6 英尺 10 英寸,18 岁的球员在本赛季 3 分命中率达到了 47%。

很难挑选一项 Risacher 表现作为精彩片段,因为他是一个比起风格更注重内容的球员——但我认为他在最近战胜 Cholet 和同为预期乐透秀的 Tidjane Salaun 时所展现的投篮技巧,在一定程度上提供了重新思考他通往进攻卓越道路的现实性的理由。第二和第三个片段展示了 Risacher 日益提高的能力,即从远程运球投出自己的投篮,他的脚步扎实,出手高。这不仅有趣且富有创造力,而且也是上涨空间所在。

Risacher 的 NBA 球员补偿

在高端情况下,你可以看看密尔沃基雄鹿队的前锋 Khris Middleton,并乐观地思考 Risacher 未来会成为什么样子。他的投篮技能可能已经达到顶峰,让他达到这样的高度,但他可能足够全面,在大多数情况下都能成为一名顶级首发球员。如果 Risacher 除了运球之外没有任何特别之处,你可以看到他成功担任类似于新奥尔良鹈鹕队前锋 Trey Murphy III 的角色,他作为一名运动间距球员和切入者,在无球和防守端创造价值。虽然他不如 Murphy 强壮,但 Risacher 应该能够在现实的、稳定的成长中取得 NBA 的成功,只要他的身体和投篮能力继续有所提升。

预测 NBA 乐透抽签球队最适合 Risacher

此处的部分吸引力在于,很容易想象 Risacher 可以作为几乎任何地方的连接侧翼球员,因为各队对他带来的多功能性的需求很广泛。圣安东尼奥马刺队、华盛顿奇才队、波特兰开拓者队和孟菲斯灰熊队等球队在年轻阵容中都需要侧翼方面的帮助,应该在选秀初期认真考虑 Risacher。

为什么 Risacher 能成为第 1 顺位

在一年中,各支球队可能会比平时在选秀中更关注需求,有两种方法来看待 Risacher 潜在成为第 1 顺位的情况:从“每个人总需要侧翼”的角度来看,看看哪些球队在他的位置上有空缺,并帮助他合理化他的需求选择。与丹佛掘金队的科迪·威廉姆斯、或 G League Ignite 的罗恩·霍兰德和马塔斯·布泽利斯相比,Risacher 将带来更多精进和 NBA 即战力。Risacher 正在享受比这些新秀更好的个人赛季,他的地板可能更高,而且他足够年轻,你可以为自己上涨空间的现实性做出辩解。

你可以从最佳球员的角度争论 Risacher:一支球队可能会非常需要一名控球后卫(圣安东尼奥),但一家管理层也有可能不会将这个选秀中的任何后卫视为真正的特许经营基石,尼古拉·托皮克、艾赛亚·科利尔等人提供了不同的优势和劣势。

你可以看看 Risacher 本赛季的表现,并决定你更愿意朝着他的方向前进,然后再解决需求。他可能没有像 Alex Sarr 这样的顶级选秀竞争者那样的巨大上涨空间,但 Risacher 可能需要更少的离群值开发才能在 NBA 中安定下来,成为一个非常稳定的首发球员——考虑到整个选秀班的预期,这可能是一个球队决定希望实现的目标。他没有你希望在顶级选择中所具备的明星力量,但这次选秀的首要价值开始变得相对且具有情境性。

在考虑这个选秀中的非常平坦的人才曲线时——并没有什么能将顶级新秀彼此区分开来——Risacher 代表了与他的技能组相结合的安全性和与他的年龄相结合的上涨空间的合理结合,这应该有很大吸引力。

[i]Jeremy Woo 是专门从事新秀评价和选秀的 NBA 分析师。他曾是《体育画报》


2024 NBA draft: Making the case for selecting Zaccharie Risacher with the No. 1 pick

Jeremy Woo

Apr 22, 2024, 10:45 AM ET

With so much uncertainty surrounding the 2024 NBA draft class, ESPN draft analyst Jeremy Woo will take a closer look at the prospects that are in contention of being drafted No. 1 overall. This was originally published on Jan. 22, 2024.

Zaccharie Risacher has put together a historically productive season for a teenager, moving to Bourg from ASVEL for his final season playing in his home country of France. The son of Stéphane Risacher, a six-time French League All-Star, Risacher has stepped into an important role for his club in both Pro A and EuroCup slates and taken a leap in terms of confidence and performance. The 18-year-old has put himself in position to be one of the first players drafted in June after he declared for the 2024 NBA draft on Monday.

Woo breaks down Risacher’s game, looks at his strengths/weaknesses, and provides a player comp for him moving forward.Zaccharie Risacher | SF | Age: 18.8 | JL BourgRisacher’s strengths

In many ways, Risacher fits the quintessential NBA wing prototype, supplying a mix of positional size, on-court smarts, scoring, playmaking and positive defense. While he’s not demonstrably off-the-charts yet in any of those areas, he has a very strong all-around developmental base for a player his age – he turns 19 in April. Risacher measured at 6-foot-9 ½ in shoes at the 2023 Hoop Summit with a 6-10 ½ wingspan, giving him good size but average length for a small forward, comparing closely with wings such as Shane Battier and Memphis’ Ziaire Williams. Since Hoop Summit, he has made significant strides as a player, rebounding from a poor showing at the 2023 FIBA U19 World Championships, moving to a new club that’s invested in his development, and emerging as one of the best young players in Europe.

Risacher’s defensive play has been largely excellent this season, showcasing versatility in guarding smaller players on the perimeter and the capacity to switch, rotate, and navigate effectively at his size. That type of ability and awareness always bodes well for teenage players’ chances of getting minutes early in their NBA careers and helps scouts envision a reasonable floor for Risacher in a 3-and-D role.

On the offensive end, Risacher has been effective with his touches, shooting an efficient 56% on 2s and 47% on 3s (though just 70% from the foul line), a big step up from his career averages. His flashes of off-dribble shot-making and aggressiveness point to some untapped upside, giving him the ability to maximize his size to shoot over defenders when unable to get to the rim. While not a high-volume scorer, his patience and all-around feel for his role have been notable, and there’s a degree of safety in his overall profile if his improvements are real and sustainable.Risacher’s weaknesses

The primary hole in Risacher’s profile at this stage of his career is that he’s not an advanced shot-creator nor an exceptional jump-shooter. He plays a bit upright off the dribble and lacks a creative handle attacking defenders in space, which makes it hard to envision him becoming a top offensive option in the pros without a huge leap in the shot-making department. His scoring upside is tied heavily to becoming a top-flight shooter – and while he’s performing well statistically in that department this season, Risacher is a career 35.9% 3-point shooter in our database across levels.

The thought of featuring Risacher offensively right now probably requires a structured off-ball role, in which he’s scoring off of more designed touches in the halfcourt, but he may not be that caliber of shooter where he warrants it. In an NBA system, Risacher is more likely to play a tertiary scoring role early in his career, spacing the floor with his shot, attacking the basket on a straight line, and allowing a lead playmaker to create opportunities for him. Risacher’s all-around play has been solid and inspires some confidence in his trajectory, but to hit a high-end outcome in the pros befitting of a top draft selection, he must keep developing as a scorer. If he’s just an average shooter in the long run, he may not warrant the type of capital it seems a team will have to invest to draft him.What NBA scouts are saying about Risacher<p lang=“en” dir=“ltr”>Zaccharie Risacher showing why he’s considered arguably the best international prospect in his generation. The 6’9, 17-year old wing has tremendous size, fluidity, footwork, range and touch. Has already held his own against Euroleague competition. pic.twitter.com/WUeAp66Vl7— Jonathan Givony (@DraftExpress) January 9, 2023

Based on what we’ve gathered around the league, Risacher is trending as a top-five selection in the 2024 NBA draft. The valuable positional prototype he fits and his strong present trajectory have given him some momentum going into the back half of the season and the pre-draft process. Scouts share some of the same concerns I have surrounding his shot-creation, shooting, and how that might limit his upside, but there’s also a sense of security in the skills he already has at a good level for his age.

The sense I’ve gotten from scouts around the NBA is that in a stronger draft, Risacher would likely be drafted in the mid-to-late lottery, as opposed to the top half. That highlights the value versatile two-way players with size and feel tend to have, no matter the draft.My favorite Risacher highlight<p lang=“en” dir=“ltr”>Another big game for projected No. 3 pick Zaccharie Risacher in France, dropping 20 points in 25 minutes, including several clutch one on one buckets to ice the game down the stretch. The 6’10, 18-year old is shooting 47% for 3 on the season. pic.twitter.com/IuvpEEzihy— Jonathan Givony (@DraftExpress) December 11, 2023

It’s hard to pick just one Risacher play to highlight, as he is a player who offers more substance than style – but I think the shot-making prowess he flashed in a recent win over Cholet and fellow projected lottery pick Tidjane Salaun offered some reason to rethink how realistic his pathway to offensive excellence might be. The second and third clips showcase Risacher’s improving ability to get his own shot off the dribble from long range, with solid footwork into his gather and a high release. It’s not only fun and creative to watch, but it’s where the upside lies.Risacher’s NBA player comp

In a high-end scenario, you can look at Milwaukee Bucks forward Khris Middleton and think optimistically about what Risacher could become. His shooting development likely has to top out for him to get there, but he could be good enough all-around to become a top starter-level player in most contexts. If Risacher doesn’t add a ton off the dribble, you could see him succeeding in a role similar to New Orleans Pelicans forward Trey Murphy III, working as an athletic spacer and cutter who adds value away from the ball and defensively. And while he’s not as athletic as Murphy, Risacher should be able to find NBA success with realistic, steady growth, so long as his body and shooting ability continue to improve.Projected NBA lottery team that provides the best fit for Risacher

Part of the appeal here is that it’s easy to envision Risacher fitting in as a connective perimeter player almost anywhere, considering the wide demand for the type of versatility he can bring. Teams such as the San Antonio Spurs, Washington Wizards, Portland Trail Blazers and Memphis Grizzlies, who all need wing help on younger-leaning rosters, should be looking hard at Risacher as an option early in the draft.Why Risacher could go No. 1<p lang=“en” dir=“ltr”>6’10, 18-year old French wing Zaccharie Risacher is emerging as one of the most dynamic shot-makers in this class, making 46% of his 3s with historically strong overall productivity through 21 games, bolstering his candidacy as a top-shelf prospect. pic.twitter.com/NPJv7hJLwE— Jonathan Givony (@DraftExpress) November 30, 2023

In a year when teams may focus on need earlier in the draft than usual, there are two ways of looking at Risacher’s case for potentially going No. 1: From the perspective of “everyone always needs wings,” look at which teams have holes at his position and help rationalize him as a need pick. Risacher will supply more polish and NBA-ready ability than Colorado’s Cody Williams, or Ron Holland and Matas Buzelis from G League Ignite. Risacher is enjoying a better individual season than those prospects, his floor is probably higher, and he’s young enough that you can also make the argument for his realistic upside.

And you can argue Risacher from the best player available perspective: a team might sorely need a point guard (San Antonio), but it’s also entirely feasible that a front office might not view any of the guards in this draft class as legitimate franchise building blocks, with Nikola Topic, Isaiah Collier and others providing different strengths and weaknesses.

You can look at what Risacher has done this season and decide you’d rather go in his direction and address need later on. He probably doesn’t have the sheer upside of a top-pick contender such as Alex Sarr, but it might take less outlier-level development for Risacher to settle in as a very solid starter in the NBA – which, considering the tempered expectations for this draft class on the whole, might be all a team decides to hope for. He doesn’t possess the star power you hope for in a top choice, but value atop this draft starts to become relative and situational.

When looking at the very flat talent curve in this draft class – not much separates the top prospects from each other – Risacher represents a reasonable mix of both safety tied to his skill set, and upside tied to his age, which should have a good deal of appeal.

Jeremy Woo is an NBA analyst specializing in prospect evaluation and the draft. He was previously a staff writer and draft insider at Sports Illustrated.

via ESPN