
By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-04-10 11:22:28


2024 年 4 月 9 日,田纳西州孟菲斯:在 FedEx 论坛体育馆,圣安东尼奥马刺队的维克多·文班亚马 #1 在对阵孟菲斯灰熊队的特雷·吉米森 #55 的下半场控球。致用户:用户明确承认并同意,通过下载或使用此照片,用户同意 Getty 图片许可协议的条款和条件。

特雷·吉米森对即将发生的事情没有任何预感。这一点很明显,因为当维克多·文班亚马在周二晚上马刺队在 FedEx 论坛体育馆以 102-87 获胜时旋转着冲向篮筐完成了一个漂亮的扣篮时,灰熊队的中锋显得很困惑。

这位 7 英尺 3 英寸的新秀展示了一系列令人眼花缭乱、近乎可笑的动作来迷惑吉米森和灰熊队,以完成第四节的上篮。文班亚马看起来像一个大号的凯里·欧文,在罚球线附近快速连续组合,在用一个 Shamgod 交叉步和一个转身动作击中吉米森之前假装将球传给队友特雷·琼斯。

当文班亚马绕过吉米森的身体时,他与篮筐之间已经没有其他人了。这位年度最佳新秀用一个轻巧的投篮,使马刺队以 91-74 领先,他们朝着八场比赛中的第五场胜利迈进。

文班亚马结束了职业生涯的第 70 场比赛,得到了 18 分、7 个篮板、7 个盖帽和 6 次助攻。在辉煌的首秀赛季中还剩三场比赛,包括周三在俄克拉荷马城进行的比赛,不过球迷们可能要等到周五主场对阵丹佛掘金的比赛才能看到更多这位法国人的精彩表现。更多内容:文班亚马对阵雷霆队的出场状态不确定



Watch: Wemby baffles Grizzlies with dizzying dribbling skills

[Image] MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - APRIL 09: Victor Wembanyama #1 of the San Antonio Spurs handles the ball during the second half against Trey Jemison #55 of the Memphis Grizzlies during the second half at FedExForum on April 09, 2024 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Trey Jemison had no hint of what was coming. That much was clear as the Grizzlies center flashed a bemused scowl while Victor Wembanyama whirled toward the rim for a feathery finish Tuesday night in the Spurs’ 102-87 win at FedEx Forum.

The 7-foot-3 rookie strung together a dizzying, almost comical array of moves to baffle Jamison and the Grizzlies for that fourth-quarter layup. Wembanyama looked like a jumbo-sized Kyrie Irving chaining together lightning-quick combos, bluffing a handoff to teammate Tre Jones near the sideline before hitting Jemison with a Shammgod crossover and a spin move. <p class=“MM_onlineOnly” title=“CCI Online Only”>SPURS NATION NEWSLETTER: The best Spurs coverage in Alamo City, delivered to your inbox

By the time Wembanyama wheeled around Jemison’s body, there was no one between him and the rim. With a soft scoop, the presumptive Rookie of the Year put the Spurs ahead 91-74 as they rolled toward their fifth win in eight games.

Wembanyama finished his 70th career outing with 18 points, seven rebounds, seven blocks and six assists. Three games remain in what has been a brilliant debut season, including Wednesday’s contest at Oklahoma City, though fans might have to wait until Friday’s home game against Denver to see more of the Frenchman’s fireworks. <p class=“MM_onlineOnly” title=“CCI Online Only”>READ MORE: Wembanyama’s status vs. OKC uncertain

“It’s a question because we held him out of a lot of the back-to-backs when he had that foot thing,” Popovich said of Wembanyama’s availability against the Thunder. “Now down the stretch, I’m not sure it makes sense to push it.”

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News