[SAEN]马刺队的文班亚马在 DPOY 评选中屈居鲁迪·戈贝尔之后,获得第二名

By Jeff McDonald, Spurs Writer | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-07 17:45:35

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明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯 - 2023 年 12 月 6 日:在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯标靶中心球馆的比赛结束后,明尼苏达森林狼队的鲁迪·戈贝尔(27 号)拥抱圣安东尼奥马刺队的文班亚马(1 号)。

维克托·文班亚马很有希望(但不太可能)赢得 NBA 年度最佳防守球员奖项,但这个希望就像文班亚马在篮下盖帽一样,被无情地破灭了。

在以压倒性优势获得联盟 2023-24 年度最佳新秀奖项的一天之后,马刺队的明星球员屈居明尼苏达队的鲁迪·戈贝尔之后,获得了 DPOY 的第二名。

联盟在周二公布了投票结果,显示戈贝尔获得了 99 张第一选票中的 72 张。



文班亚马早在 3 月份就预见到了这个结果。毕竟,戈贝尔作为联盟顶级防守球队的防守中坚力量,他的能力是有目共睹的。


文班亚马获得了 19 张第一选票、44 张第二选票和 18 张第三选票,出现在了除 18 张选票之外的所有选票上。

戈贝尔的选票总计为 433 分,文班亚马的总得分为 245 分。第三名入选者,迈阿密中锋巴姆·阿德巴约,以 91 分的差距位列第三。


这位 20 岁的球员以场均 3.58 次盖帽和总计 254 次盖帽领跑 NBA,他还总计获得了 342 次抢断和盖帽,成为自 1992-93 赛季的沙奎尔·奥尼尔以来首位抢断和盖帽次数均达到至少 300 的新秀。

由于上述所有原因,文班亚马被认为是联盟两支全联盟防守阵容的必然人员,阵容将在本月晚些时候公布。自 1997-98 赛季的蒂姆·邓肯以来,还没有新秀获得过这项殊荣。

马刺队教练格雷格·波波维奇说,他不知道文班亚马是否能预料到在自己的第一个赛季就能领跑 NBA 的盖帽次数。在此之前,只有一名新秀做到过这一点(1985-86 赛季的马努特·博尔),在本赛季之前,文班亚马曾在法国度过了很多时间,一直都在外围打球。



虽然马刺队的防守排名在联盟榜单中排在最后 5 名,但在文班亚马上场的那几分钟里,他们的表现就像前 5 名的防守球队一样。

非正式统计,文班亚马还领跑联盟的“掉头率” - 即对手持球接近禁区,而马刺队这位 7 英尺 3 英寸高的控球后卫就在附近时,他们会重新考虑这次进攻,然后掉头离开。


今年没有成功,但在不久的将来,NBA 奖励投票者可能会同意这一点。


Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama finishes second to Rudy Gobert in DPOY race

[Image] MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA - DECEMBER 6: Rudy Gobert #27 of the Minnesota Timberwolves embraces Victor Wembanyama #1 of the San Antonio Spurs after the game at Target Center on December 6, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Victor Wembanyama’s plausible-yet-unlikely bid to win the NBA’s Defensive Player of the Year award was denied like, well, Wembanyama blocking a shot at the rim.

A day after being named the league’s 2023-24 Rookie of the Year in a landslide, the Spurs star came in second place for DPOY honors behind Minnesota’s Rudy Gobert.

The league announced the voting results Tuesday, which showed Gobert earning 72 of the 99 first-place votes.

It was the fourth Defensive Player of the Year trophy for Gobert, tying Dikembe Mutombo and Ben Wallace for most all-time.

In earning it, Gobert prevented Wembanyama from making history of his own as the first rookie to win the Hakeem Olajuwon Trophy.

It is an outcome Wembanyama foresaw as far back as March. After all, Gobert’s case as the defensive centerpiece of the league’s top defensive team was compelling.

“I know that Rudy has a very good chance of winning it this year and it would be deserved,” Wembanyama said then of his friend and fellow Frenchman. “Let him win it now, because after that it’s no longer his turn.”

Wembanyama garnered 19 first-place votes, 44 second-place votes and 18 third-place votes, making an appearance on all but 18 ballots.

Gobert’s votes added up to 433 points, with Wembanyama totaling 245. The third finalist, Miami center Bam Adebayo, was a distant third with 91 points.

Though Gobert’s win was not exactly highway robbery, it is fair to say Wembanyama’s resume was deserving as well.

The 20-year-old led the NBA in blocked shots, averaging 3.58 per game and totaling 254. He totaled a combined 342 steals plus blocks, becoming the first rookie to post at least 300 since Shaquille O’Neal in 1992-93.

For all those reasons, Wembanyama is considered a shoo-in to show up on one of the league’s two All-Defensive teams, to be revealed later this month. No rookie has accomplished that honor since Tim Duncan in 1997-98.

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said he didn’t know if Wembanyama could have predicted leading the NBA in blocked shots in his first season. Only one rookie had done it before (Manute Bol in 1985-86), and before this season Wembanyama had spent much of his time in France playing along the perimeter.

“But that was like a requirement (with the Spurs),” Popovich said of Wembanyama’s shot-blocking. “We wanted him at the basket and we wanted him rebounding and blocking shots.

“Obviously he’s gifted,” Popovich continued, “but I needed to show him that he’s gifted in a whole lot more ways than he knows.”

Though the Spurs finished with a defensive ranking in the bottom 5 of the league, they performed like a top 5 defense in the minutes Wembanyama was on the floor.

Unofficially, Wembanyama also led the league in “U-Turns” – the number of times an opponent would probe the paint with the Spurs’ 7-foot-3 ballhawk in the vicinity, think better of the excursion and then turn around.

“If you just watch the game, you see how he affects the game defensively,” Spurs point guard Tre Jones said. “It’s tough because of our record, but I think most people know he’s already the best defender in the league.”

It did not happen this year, but at some point soon NBA awards voters are apt to agree.

By Jeff McDonald, Spurs Writer, via San Antonio Express-News

<pre> Defensive Player of the Year Voting
Minnesota’s Rudy Gobert tied the NBA record by winning the NBA Defensive Player of the Year for a fourth time.
Rudy Gobert 72 24 1 4333
Victor Wembanyama 19 44 18 245
Bam Adebayo 3 15 31 91
Anthony Davis 4 10 33 83
Herbert Jones 0 2 8 14
Jrue Holiday 1 0 2 7
Shai G-Alexander 0 2 0 6
Derrick White 0 1 2 5
Giannis Antetokounmpo 0 1 0 3