[SAEN]Awful Announcing 的 NBA 排名榜单:Bill Land、Sean Elliott

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-06 08:25:46

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马刺队的播音员 Bill Land 在 AT&T 中心移动转播车上工作。马刺队在客场对阵俄克拉荷马雷霆队,当圣安东尼奥牛仔竞技表演占据了 AT&T 中心广播团队的常规位置时,该团队在电视转播车外向狂欢节观众制作了这场比赛。

体育媒体新闻网站 Awful Announcing 上周恢复了其 <a href=“https://awfulannouncing.com/orig/nba-local-announcer-rankings-2024.html” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>当地 NBA 播音员排名</a>,马刺队在自 2020 年以来进行的首次粉丝投票中名列中游。

圣安东尼奥的长期二人组,即实况播音员 Bill Land 和评论员 Sean Elliott 在今年的排名中从 30 支球队中排第 19 位,略有提高,而他们在 2020 年排第 21 位。在 397 名对马刺广播团队投票的球迷中,48 人给了 A 级,97 人给了 B 级,121 人给了 C 级,70 人给了 D 级,61 人给了 F 级。

马刺队的排名在亚特兰大老鹰队(Bob Rathbun 和 Dominique Wilkins)和密尔沃基雄鹿队(Lisa Byington 和 Marques Johnson)之间。圣安东尼奥队在联盟三支德克萨斯球队中排名第二。休斯敦(Craig Ackerman 和 Ryan Hollins)排第 23 位,达拉斯(Mark Followill、Derek Harper、Devin Harris 和 Jeff Wade)排第 9 位。

尼克斯球队的 Mike Breen 和 Walt “Clyde” Frazier 在 2020 年排名第二后重新回到第一名。

Land 和 Elliott 二十年来一直是马刺广播的基本组合。Land 刚刚完成了他的第 21 个赛季的解说,而 Elliott 作为球队的首席评论员完成了他的第 19 个赛季。72 岁的 Land 尽管去年 8 月被诊断出患有名为 <a href=“https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/myeloma/index.htm#:~:text=Myeloma%2C%20also%20called%20multiple%20myeloma,and%20other%20white%20blood%20cells.” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>多发性骨髓瘤</a> 的血液癌症,但从未错过一次解说。

“当他第一次告诉我们时,他非常实际。”马刺体育娱乐公司广播高级总监 Mike Kickirillo 去年 11 月告诉 Express-News。“他说,‘这就是正在发生的事情。这事很糟糕,但我将努力克服,并全力以赴。’”Elliott 说:“当他在演播室时,你真的看不出来有什么不对劲。Bill 就像日常工作一样处理这件事。”

同样地,56 岁的 Elliott 在经历了挽救生命的肾移植手术近 25 年后,也没有表现出任何放慢脚步的迹象。2005 年,该球队退役了这位 1999 年 NBA 冠军的 32 号球衣,该球衣至今仍悬挂在 Frost Bank Center 的屋顶上,当他与 Land 一起解说主场比赛时,就会想起它。Kickirillo <a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/Undeniable-chemistry-fuels-popularity-of-Spurs-TV-5971216.php” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>在 2014 年说 Land 和 Elliott</a> “他们是好朋友,而且这在镜头前表现得很明显。”

如需 Awful Announcing 的当地播音员排名的完整细目,<a href=“https://cdn1.thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2024/04/nbarank24data.jpg”>请点击此处</a>。


Awful Announcing’s NBA rankings list Bill Land, Sean Elliott

[Image] Spurs Announcer Bill Land works on from inside the mobile broadcast set-up at the AT&T Center. The Spurs played an away game against Oklahoma City Thunder and while the San Antonio Rodeo occupied the broadcast team’s regular spots in the AT&T Center, the team produced the game from outside in TV trucks amid rodeo-goers.

Sports media news site Awful Announcing revived its <a href=“https://awfulannouncing.com/orig/nba-local-announcer-rankings-2024.html” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>local NBA announcer rankings</a> last week, and the Spurs finished middle of the pack in the first fan poll conducted since 2020.

San Antonio’s longtime tandem of play-by-play announcer Bill Land and analyst Sean Elliott finished 19th out of 30 teams in this year’s rankings, a slight improvement after they came in 21st in 2020. Of the 397 fans who voted on the Spurs’ broadcast team, 48 submitted an A grade, 97 submitted a B, 121 submitted a C, 70 submitted a D and 61 submitted an F.

The Spurs’ team was sandwiched between the Atlanta Hawks (Bob Rathbun and Dominique Wilkins) and Milwaukee Bucks (Lisa Byington and Marques Johnson). San Antonio also finished second among the league’s three Texas-based teams. Houston (Craig Ackerman and Ryan Hollins) ranked 23rd and Dallas (Mark Followill, Derek Harper, Devin Harris and Jeff Wade) ranked ninth.

The Knicks’ team of Mike Breen and Walt “Clyde” Frazier returned to No. 1 after finishing second in 2020.

Land and Elliott have been a Spurs broadcast staple for two decades now. Land just completed his 21st season calling games, while Elliott wrapped up his 19th as the team’s primary analyst.

Land, 72, hasn’t missed a beat despite being diagnosed with a blood cancer called <a href=“https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/myeloma/index.htm#:~:text=Myeloma%2C%20also%20called%20multiple%20myeloma,and%20other%20white%20blood%20cells.” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>multiple myeloma</a> last August.

“When he first told us, he was very matter of fact about it,” Senior Director of Broadcasting for Spurs Sports & Entertainment Mike Kickirillo told the Express-News last November. “It was, ‘This is what’s going on. It sucks, but I’m going to fight through it and give you everything I’ve got.’ ”

Said Elliott: “You can’t really tell anything is amiss at all when he’s on the air. Bill is handling it like it’s everyday business for him.”

Likewise, the 56-year-old Elliott has showed no signs of slowing down nearly 25 years after a life-saving kidney transplant. The franchise retired the 1999 NBA champion’s No. 32 jersey in 2005, which still hangs from the Frost Bank Center’s rafters as he calls home games alongside Land.

“They have great chemistry, and it’s real,” Kickirillo <a href=“https://www.expressnews.com/sports/spurs/article/Undeniable-chemistry-fuels-popularity-of-Spurs-TV-5971216.php” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>said of Land and Elliott in 2014</a>. “These guys are buddies. It shows on camera.”

For the full breakdown of Awful Announcing’s local announcer rankings, <a href=“https://cdn1.thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2024/04/nbarank24data.jpg”>click here</a>.

By Nick Moyle, Longhorns Insider, via San Antonio Express-News