

David Aldridge 的这篇文章还是值得一看的,算是比较中肯。

  1. Please don’t act like you care about the Spurs all of a sudden

下面这几段说了 TD 在近几年减重的经历,以及今年夏天调整饮食,加强锻炼,保持体型。当然最大的利好消息还是膝盖的疼痛大大减轻,这才有了今年以来更加灵活的身手。

“His work ethic and his professionalism, and him taking care of his body, it’s not really surprising to anybody in this locker room,” guard Gary Neal said.

“Because we’ve seen him put the work in, coming in in the morning and getting his shots up, things like that. In this profession you get what you put in. Tim’s been putting into the bank for years.”

Much has been made of Duncan’s weight loss the last couple of summers. (It’s not like he was really out of shape, but every pound your joints don’t have to carry helps.) But the real story of the last two summers is that Duncan’s chronic left knee troubles subsided. And that’s allowed him to get back in the lab during the summer.

Duncan couldn’t do that in '09 and '10, and while he never complained about the knee – the great ones never do, of course – he looked like an aging star instead of an injured one. His production dropped. Popovich realized, a) that he couldn’t run his offense through Duncan exclusively anymore and pushed Parker to take more of a leading offensive role, and b) his team had to score more in transition as its defensive aces aged and rules changes made it harder to defend without fouling.

“Mentally, I thought I could still do it at a certain level,” Duncan said. “Physically, I just couldn’t do it. But to continue to work at it, and actually feel like I can play the way I think I can, even at this point in my career, it feels good.”

That only happened after Duncan’s knee came around.

“My pain level’s down a whole lot,” Duncan said. “I found something that works with my brace (he sported a “Punisher” brace during last season) and the treatments, and everything else. I’m just feeling good. Healthwise, I feel real good.”
His offseason discipline dovetails with the work he’s been able to put in.

“I kind of change my diet in the summer more than anything in season,” he said. “I’m active enough (during the season) and I can burn enough calories there. In the summers, I just cut back on my sugars, breads, all that stuff. And I changed my workout regimen a little bit. I really focused on staying in the gym and working on my game and trying to get my rhythm back in that respect.”

另外下面括号里的这段话有点意思,前半段 KG 和 TD 互相没有好感本就知道 (e.g., 母亲节事件),后面说 TD 在面对 Dirk 和犹他的 AJ 的时候会格外兴奋 (最近好像对上遛马的 Roy Hibbert 的时候也会不给自己的新徒弟留情面?)

(Duncan doesn’t care much for Garnett, and the feeling is mutual, but teammates say he gets up for games against Dallas’ Dirk Nowitzki and Utah’s Al Jefferson, both of whom he also respects.)





最近 KG 和 Melo 的事情闹得沸沸扬扬,比较好玩的是凯尔特人球迷的记忆好像都不怎么好,对于一个加入球队没几年的雇佣兵的过往事迹选择性的遗忘了……

btw,gy666 居然又复出了

看来是不是需要召唤一下 唏嘘的猪肉佬 …… =。=





某年马刺对森林狼比赛适逢母亲节,KG 在 TD 罚球时跑过去说:“Happy Mother’s Day, motherfucker”


且不论 KG 的能力、荣誉、历史地位比起 TD 差了八条街,TD 本人从来也和 KG 没什么交情

:wow 看来问候安东尼母亲不是她第一次问候别人母亲了




